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Shirley Phillips picks the Early City Council’s brains regarding annexation to the north


1. Shirley Phillips suggests Early City Council put together a committee.
- Is the director of the Sac Economic and Tourism Development.
2. Annexation is never a pleasant process.
3. Mayor Snyder names property owners to the north may “go”.
4. Davis names other property owners who aren’t interested.
- Goes on to say that the situation may have changed due to property owner losing his father.
5. Davis seems to want to make sure the city can get the infrastructure in place.
- Some properties already have water.
- Shirley Phillips bangs the TIFF drum.
- Shirley Phillips suggests involuntary annexation.
6. According to Shirley Philips, Ag land taxes would be lower after annexation.
- As long as it remains Ag land.

7. Early is at an advantage due to the need for the DOT to use dirt to go over 71.
- This will put the land they take the dirt from in play.
8. Shirley Phillips suggests that this is the time to put a plan together.

9. It is suggested that the property owners whose land they will be annexing be excluded from preliminary talks.
10. County making a lot of revenue from construction crews.
11. Speculation about origin of work crews.
12. Vince Davis and Mayor Snyder volunteer to be on the annexation committee.
- People from the community can be appointed to the annexation committee.
13. Phillips bangs the visioning drum.
14. Focus committee members suggested as possible annexation committee members.

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