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"The old Indian Village" in Sac City, Iowa, burned today.

...and that there may soon be new jobs within driving distance of Sac City, Iowa...

...isn't all that I learned at the May 3, 2011 Sac County Supervisors meeting.

SAC CITY, IOWA – MAY 3, 2011

CORRECTION MAY 3, 2011-1650: Headline used to read "...and that there may soon be 1,500 new jobs within driving distance of Sac City, Iowa..." It now reads "...and that there may soon be new jobs within driving distance of Sac City, Iowa..." as new information became available that suggested this original number was incorrect. A link to the new information has also been provided at the point where that figure is used in the video summary

1. Call to order.
2. Approval of minutes of the April 26, 2011 meeting.
3. Amendment of agenda.
4. Approval of amended agenda.

Desiree’ Gremmel of Platinum Services Inc. appears to ask the supervisors to be allowed access to the employees to sell them some supplemental insurance. The supervisors indicate that it is too late this year and that they would like to put it off for one year until the insurance offerings come up again. Gremmel asked to come back on January 1, 2012. …asked to bring references from other rural counties.

Sheriff McClure reads proposed resolution that will charge a fee of $50.00 for the cancellation of a Sheriff’s sale. Supervisors approve via roll call.


Retta Mitchell with Child Care Resource and Referral serving Sac, Crawford and Buena Vista County and Annette Koster of Sac Early Childhood Iowa serving Buena Vista, Crawford and Sac Counties appear before the supervisors to ask that the supervisors declare May 6, 2011 child care provider appreciation day. Supervisors approve and Hecht reads the proclamation aloud.


Discussion about memorandum of understanding with Cerro Gordo County for use of custom election software.

This memorandum of understanding allows Cerro Gordo county to maintain this software through 2013. Sac County has been a member of this user group for the last five elections. This software, which greatly improves upon the prior way of running elections, will cost Sac County about $800.00.
Supervisors sign the memorandum of understanding.


Approval of claims without discussion

Senior Center and original ambulance building need new shingles as the asphalt shingles are curled. There are already two different companies that have expressed interest in putting on recycled shingles on the G.A.R. Hall. Hecht shows little interest in putting on metal shingle due to the added expense of the insurance requirements that you peel the prior layers and put down a high quality type of paper. Bensley indicates that he used steel and they were able to put it on over his existing roof. Auditor directed to advertise in paper for bids for a 35 year asphalt, recycled rubber, and steel shingle, (not panel).

County Crew Secondary road report.



1. John Irwin concern.
2. One mile west of N28 - Dennis Degner and Charles Paulson need dust control due to increased traffic. Supervisors feel it is the DOT’s financial responsibility because it is their project.
3. 240th has soft spots.

4. Dust control on 230th street.

Project update

Highway 20 update

1. Discussion about the big bridge going over the Raccoon. They are not allowed to pump water out of the Raccoon for cooling.
2. Discussion about which contractors are doing which portions of bypass.

1. Speculative discussion about the future of the FC project by Early.
2. Speculative discussion about Cargill plant west of Fort Dodge. According to Supervisor Dean Stock, the plant may employ up to 1,500 people. According to the following story in the Fort Dodge Messenger, however, that number may be closer to 100,
3. Discussion about oversize trucks on Highway 20.
4. Adjournment.

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Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor

This Friday and Saturday 11 am - 10 pm $1.00 from every game of bowling will be going to Relay for Life!! Thanks!

Sac City Bowling Center
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Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor

Denison man charged with enhanced public intox as he tries to report assault


2011 Sac City Council Budget Amendment

Sac County Small Claims Court – April 21, 2011 to April 27, 2011

Researching East Sac County School Board President Chuck Brotherton's 1000 emails in real time May 3 - 1:46AM