I really hope as Gary Hansen, Bill Brenny and Teresa Bruening rubber stamp those 5 and 6 figure projects recommended by their 33 friends who are too afraid to let the public watch them in action over the next 4 years, they keep in mind that they also have a responsibility to the other 2187 people that do not attend those "public" meetings at which these decisions are made.
There is no choice on the ballot this year, these three people will be elected, so I'm going to use my vote to send these three people the message that I don't want them to be a rubber stamp yes vote for every project and all spending recommended by their personal friends. I'm going to choose to send Gary, Bill, and Teresa a message by leaving my ballot blank and not voting for any of them.
My ballot is only one ballot, but it will be a ballot on which none of their names will be checked. It will be a ballot that is cast against the raise in our taxes that I believe these three will ultimately vote in.
Curtis Bloes
Read more stories about the 2011 Sac City Election...
How high will Sac City's Taxes Get?
Who is running for Sac City Council
Sac City Council Affidavits of Candidacy