…Is only one of the things discussed at the May 2, 2011 Lytton City Council meeting
LYTTON, IOWA – MAY 2, 2011
1. Call to order.
2. Amendment of agenda.
3. Approval of the amended agenda.
4. Reading of the minutes of the April 4, 2011 meeting.
5. Approval of minutes of the April 4 meeting.
6. Review of the budget.
7. Review of and discussion about the treasurer’s report.
- Farmer’s Coop broke a water line.
8. Approval of treasurer’s report.
9. Signing of the bills.
10. Reading of the signed bills.
- Minor problem with internet discussed.
- Discussion about the results of a search for a cheaper plan than IPERS.
- MidAmerican bill slightly lower, but now the city is out of credit.
11. Approval of the signatures on the bills.
1. Recognition of Dale from the lift station bypass project to talk about two problems related to the lift station. The DNR has issued an order to the City of Lytton to fix their sanitary sewer system. What they hope to do is show the DNR that they are working on the problems.
- Pumps do not pump up to capacity, and there’s too much head loss in the force main.
-- They are puzzled about how the VFD is putting out 61 amps with only 41 amps of input.
--- The pumps may not me running at full capacity, in spite of the fact that one pump is, like new.
--- If the pump has 61 amps running to it, this may be harmful to it as it is only supposed to have 41 amps running to it.
--- The VFD (among many other things,) regulates the amps to the pump.
-- There may be either a bubble or a restriction in the force main about 4000 feet from the lift station.
The council Asked Dale several problem solving questions about the pump. The council did not act on this item. This conversation morphs into a discussion about inflow and infiltration problems related to specific properties. According to the DNR order, the city has until September to fix these problems.
1. Aviation spec’s permit to apply mosquito control approved.
- Applied by plane.
- Does a nice job.
- Did it last year.
2. Signing of the permit.
1. Approval of DOT highway 20 maintenance agreement approved without comment except to note that it is the same contract that they have been involved in with the DOT for years.
1. Discussion about wheel loader bids.
- Ziegler’s price is $ 94,860 with a $9,000 trade in fir their current tractor?. It is $2,400 more than they thought it would be because it includes quick coupling hydraulic couplers.
- John Deer’s prices are $108,500 and $106,500 with trade in.
- Titan’s price is $91,125 with trade in. It isn’t clear if it has quick coupling hydraulics couplers.
2. Council accepts Ziegler’s bid.
3. It will be paid for 100% from the road use fund. Clerk directed to ask Caterpillar what the payments will be for 3, 4, and 5 years, and report back to the council.
1. Employee report and open forum.
2. “gator skin” portions of the streets cannot be fixed without tearing them out and replacing them.
3. Hasn’t heard from Lundel on drainage.
4. Could a basketball hoop be put up at the tennis court?
- Red thinks is would be wonderful if the courts were used for something.
- Council person offers to paint the lines, may be able to use money from the park fund to buy hoops and paint.
-- It may be required that the original grant be repaid if it used for something else.
--- The tennis court was put in after ‘75, possibly in ’78.
--- It may be that they can put a pole outside of the fence and have a basket stick in.
5. The guy who parks in the travel portion of the street may be able to be charged under three separate items of the Iowa code.
- Clerk directed to consult with Sheriff.
6. Councilor complains about neighbors with 16 cars.
7. Citizen wants stop sign near park.
- County has jurisdiction over that road and the city cannot put up a stop sing. It was discovered that the county cannot put one up either, so no stop sign.
8. There are two different speed limits on Northbound N28 out of town. The 45 mph sign should be at the city limits, (by the natural gas pump) The 35 mph sign should be 300 feet north of 6th. The 25 should be in front of 4th street. The opposing sings should be located at those locations as well. The council has to petition the county to put those signs back up. Clerk directed to note in the minutes that that is the council’s intent.
1. Discussion about water customers to be shut off.
2. Approval of water services to be shut off.
1. Discussion about the next league of cities meeting at the new restaurant in Lake View. Red noted that at the last league meeting there was a brisk discussion about installing electrical line.
2. Adjournment.
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Curtis Bloes - Editor
thesacnews@yahoo.com http://facebook.com/thesacnews
1 call to order
2. Approval of minutes of the prior meeting.
1. There is an equipment plan in place for removal of the debris at the building next to the VFW.
2. Mr. Osborne has 30 days left to react to his issue.
3. The house on Platt Street has a garage that needs to come down, but the house is not considered hazardous. The P&Z committee considers the buildings on Main Street more important and indicate that they are not going to take action on this item, other than to attempt to continue to contact owners.
1. Discussion about implementing a site plan ordinance. This will cost people who are building an additional estimated $580.00. Phillips suggests that a list of instructions be included with the building permit applications that direct users how to fill in lot dimensions, etc.
Upon examining the existing ordinance, the committee found that that 3.7.02 calls for all building permit owners to provide exact dimensions at the discretion of the zoning officer. It was suggested that the wording of this ordinance be included with the building permit and that the requirement of providing a site plan be dropped.
2. The Committee reviewed the building permit fee structure. The committee recommended that Satellite dishes, flagpoles, and signs will now be included pending approval by the council. This will be discussed at the May 9 council meeting.
1. Several old properties that the committee deals with are back on the tax sale.
2. Reminder about upcoming meetings.
3. Continued discussion about properties available in the upcoming tax sale.
4. Discussion about property known as the townhouse.
- May be for sale.
5. Winchell building update. Taxes weren’t paid.
6. Recap of discussion about Platt Street House.
7. June meeting set for June 6, 2011 at 6:30PM.
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Copyright (c)2007-2011 TheSacNews.com Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor
thesacnews@yahoo.com http://facebook.com/thesacnews