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Sac County Small Claims Court – April 26, 2011 to May 2, 2011

Peters leaps to 1st in the long jump at Lake City

Sac County criminal court activity between the dates of April 26, 2011 and May 2, 2011

ESC Junior High boys go 3 of 6 at Lake City track meet

Minutes of the March 3, 2011 Sac County Supervisors meeting

Sac County traffic charges disposed between April 26, 2011 and May 2, 2011

Green and Mason ease ESC golfers into second place at Dayton

May 16, 2011 Sac and WLVA Joint School Board Meeting Agenda

ESC Boys Varsity Golfers place 3rd at OA-BCIG invitational

May 16, 2011 East Sac County School Board Agenda

Results of the April 29, 2011 Girls Junior High Track Meet in Coon Rapids

Lake View man alleged to have struck utility trailer; charged with operating while intoxicated


Results of the April 29, 2011 Boys Junior High Track meet in Coon Rapids

2011 East Sac County Boys Junior High Track Photo

2011 East Sac County Boys Junior High Track Photo

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Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor

May 9, 2011 Kid's World meeting Agenda

April 26, 2011 ESC Junior High Girls track results

ESC junior High boys win another one at the track meeting in Sac City

ESC Junior High girls take 2nd place in Lake City

Villhauer Sets Record in 100 Meter Dash; ESC Junior High boys get the team win at Lake City


Details of the May 3, 2011 fire at Finish Line Racing near Sac City, Iowa

SAC CITY, IOWA – MAY 5, 2011

Call 1
- Paged out at 1:13PM on May 3, 2011 to 2570 Union Ave the current residence of Brett Pugh.
-- Pugh runs the business Finish Line Racing at this address as well.
-- This property is also known as “The Old Indian Village” to Sac City, Iowa Locals.
- Engine 112 Arrived on the scene at 1:18PM.
- Sac City had 5 trucks and 15 fire fighters on the scene.
- Lytton had 3 trucks and 7 fire fighters on the scene.
- Early had 3 trucks and 6 fire fighters on the scene.
- Lake View had 2 trucks and 10 fire fighters on the scene.
- No injuries or fatalities, but one Sac City fire fighter suffered heat stress.
- According to Sac City Fire Chief Dale Duncan, the cause of the fire was careless burning.
- Agencies who assisted:
-- Sac County Sheriff.
-- Sac County Ambulance.
-- Sac City PD.
-- Sac City Maintenance and Water Department.
-- Jeff Cullen of the Fire Marshall's office.
-- Crop Production Service.
- 40,000 gallons of Sac City water were used.
- 32,000 gallons of Cedar Creek water were used.
- There were several tires and racing fuel on the property but these items were not in the structure and did not burn.
- According to Sac City Fire Department Chief Dale Duncan, this building, home to Finish Line Racing, was built in the 60’s and had several additions and reconstruction changes which created challenging fire fighting conditions.
- The fire burned the roof of the parts department, a portion of the roof of the shop and created heat and smoke damage in the residence.
- The department returned to the station at 5:58PM and was back in service at 7:05PM at May 3, 2011.

Call 2
- Paged out at 1:28AM on May 4, 2011 to 2570 Union Ave the current residence of Brett Pugh.
- Engine 112 arrived on scene at 1:35AM.
- Sac City had 5 trucks and 12 fire fighters on the scene.
- Lytton had 3 trucks and 5 fire fighters on the scene.
- 40,000 gallons of Sac City water were used.
- 30,000 to 40,000 gallons of Cedar Creek water were used.
- The roof of the residence burned this time and the structure was a total loss.
- The Sac City Fire Department returned to the station and was back in service at 6:30AM May 4, 2011.

Call 3
- Paged out at 10:14AM on May 4, 2011 to 2570 Union Ave the current residence of Brett Pugh.
- Engine 114 arrived on scene at 10:21AM.
- Approx 1500 gal of Sac City water were used.
- This was an action for fighting rekindles and spot fires.
- At the station and back in service at 1:00PM May 4, 2011

Call 4
- Paged out at 2:35PM on May 4, 2011 to 2570 Union Ave the current residence of Brett Pugh.
- This was an action fighting rekindles cause by collapse of the roof which exposed fresh cellulose insulation to catch fire. This was complicated by the danger of further building collapse which made it impossible to enter the structure.
- At the station and back in service at 3:30PM

In a statement released by Sac City Fire Department Chief Dale Duncan he shared, “I would like to thank everyone who brought food and refreshments to this fire; it just proves that we do live in the best place in the world.”

Photos taken between 4:00PM – 4:30PM on May 3, 2011 during re-flash watch.
Photos of reflash watch from the May 3_ 2011 Finishline fire in Sac City_ Iowa

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Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor

May 9, 2011 Schaller City Council Meeting Agenda

ESC Boys Varsity team has a great night in Lake City

ESC Girls place 4th at OA-BCIG 18 Hole Tournament

April 2011 Sac Library Department Head Report

...and a story about the man after which Tolan Field in Sac City, Iowa is named was not the only thing talked about at...

...the 2011 Sac Community School Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.



2011 Sac Community School Hall of Fame Report

Kim Laursen

Brent Drey
Dr. Everett Winslow Lovrien

Marie Scott
Jane Shull Olson

Brent Drey
Larry L. Arndt

Marie Scott
Michael Roy Bottorff

Brent Drey
Jenna Johnson Edwards

Kim Laursen
Dr. Everett Winslow Lovrien
Jane Shull Olson
Larry L. Arndt
Michael Roy Bottorff
Jenna Johnson Edwards

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Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor

Passed Away - George Youll

Passed Away - Lester Carnine

Passed Away - James Francis McKenna