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Sac County Supervisors decide to keep the Sac County Courthouse a weapons free zone

… set a date for courthouse security meeting to respond to new gun carry law.

Passed Away - Sandra Dee Frank

Customers speak out at Wellmark rate increase hearing

Sac County Supervisors designate official 2011 court house closing dates

Facebook apologizes to Iowa birth photographer

SHUEYVILLE, Iowa (AP) - Facebook is apologizing for disabling the account of an Iowa photographer who had posted maternity and birth pictures, including shots of...
READ MORE: Facebook apologizes to Iowa birth photographer

Peeping Tom in Lytton Iowa?

Odebolt City Council approves reports, reviews correspondence

Odebolt City Council discuss properties around town with debris, appliances in yard

“Apparently he’s not paying any attention to us” - Mayor

Odebolt City Council and Sac County Sheriff address anonymous complaint about loose dog

Believes Steve King is wrong about "anchor baby" issue

The Earl Ealey Discussion post

All continued discussion regarding this case will go here. The official ruling from the state ME is that Earl Ealey's death was a deliberate suicide due to overdose. There have been no allegations of mishandling this case on the part of the Iowa State Patrol, the Sac County Sheriff's Department, or the Storm Lake Sheriff's or Police departments or any other entity private or public at this time.

Based on background information given him by confidential sources, it is the opinion of Curtis Bloes, the editor of that the official story is correct and that nobody is directly to blame for this sad event.

If you care enough to disturb Mr. Ealey's family by continuing to comment, you can comment using a registered blogspot Google account. The only comments regarding this topic that will be published are those originating from registered accounts.

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Mass Animal Deaths - Google Maps

Mass Animal Deaths - Google Maps

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Comments :
1. Keep it civil and stay on topic.
2. Some profanity will be allowed if deemed editorially relevant.
3. No harassment of private citizens will be allowed.
4. Criticism and praise of elected officials is encouraged.
5. Any handle that appears to be a real first and last name will be changed to the first name only unless it is a registered handle.
6. If your comment wasn't posted within a few hours, then it was probably deleted.