The following are the real time reports from within the time frame of the Sac County Supervisor's meeting on January 19, 2010. Some information reported in real time may later be found to be inaccurate. When reading TSN's twitter stream all information presented later in the stream can be considered the most accurate.
Todays Sac County Supervisor's meeting agenda.
The Sac County Supervisors have just approved claims, and draiange claims without comment.
Dennis Hinrichs has agreed to be an appraiser for Sac Co DD73. He will be officially appointed when the Supes come out of recess.
...Compensation for that position is $100.00 per day plus a meal and mileage.
Dr. Youberg's fee for acting as the County Coroner has just increased from $65.00 to $100.00 per use...
Sac County Engineer's Report for January 19 2010.
According to Sac County Engineer, Ron Haden, there is no funding yet for upgrading N14 to Hwy196.
Will Sac County, Iowa be declared a disaster area? According to info put out at the Sac Co Supe's meeting, that is still unknown.
Attending today's Sac Co. Supe's meeting are Jim Dowling, Jack Bensley, Rick Hecht, Dean Stock, Ron Haden, Dale Wegner, and Curtis Bloes.
Dollars Sac Co towns will lose in the Governor's $50mil roads fund shift.
The Sac Co Supervisors actually did not appoint an appraiser to DD73 today even though in a call during recess Mr. Hinrichs agreed to...
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
Sac and WLVA Education Associations in favor of consolidation
The members of the Sac City Education Association (SCEA) and the Wall Lake View Auburn Education Association (WLVAEA) would like to take this opportunity to urge the voters of the Sac City Community School district and the Wall Lake View Auburn Community School district to vote in favor of consolidating the two school districts on February 2, 2010.
The professional educators who belong to these organizations believe it is in the best interests of the students and patrons of the East Sac County Community Schools to move forward from the current whole grade sharing arrangement into a fully consolidated school system.
The student benefits gained from the current sharing arrangement are numerous, and it is our hope that a positive vote for consolidation will solidify these benefits for them and for students for many years to come. Be sure to cast your ballot FOR the East Sac County School consolidation.
Respectfully submitted,
Sammie Bruce – SCEA acting president
Eric McCollough – WLVAEA president
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
The professional educators who belong to these organizations believe it is in the best interests of the students and patrons of the East Sac County Community Schools to move forward from the current whole grade sharing arrangement into a fully consolidated school system.
The student benefits gained from the current sharing arrangement are numerous, and it is our hope that a positive vote for consolidation will solidify these benefits for them and for students for many years to come. Be sure to cast your ballot FOR the East Sac County School consolidation.
Respectfully submitted,
Sammie Bruce – SCEA acting president
Eric McCollough – WLVAEA president
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
Travelers Beware as Freezing Rain Heads into Iowa
This is an Iowa Department of Public Safety press release the wording of which has not been altered.
Des Moines, IOWA---Meteorologists are forecasting one-quarter to one-half inch of ice will accumulate over much of Iowa in the next 24 hours. That translates into big trouble for motorists traveling the many roadways in the Hawkeye State. The Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of the Iowa State Patrol advises drivers to take extra precautions when ice glazes over our roadways.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
Des Moines, IOWA---Meteorologists are forecasting one-quarter to one-half inch of ice will accumulate over much of Iowa in the next 24 hours. That translates into big trouble for motorists traveling the many roadways in the Hawkeye State. The Iowa Department of Public Safety, Division of the Iowa State Patrol advises drivers to take extra precautions when ice glazes over our roadways.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
Thank you to the Men's Club of Sac City
During the opening week of January the call went out for citizens to clean out the snow around the fire hydrants on their blocks. According to Sac City administrator Adam Ledford, the Sac City Men's Club answered that call to duty, opening up more than twenty five in the week prior to January 11, 2010.
The Sac City Men's Club is not a big group of people, folks and some of those fire hydrants were buried under MOUNTAINS of ice and snow.
Maybe a pie purchase is in order?
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
The Sac City Men's Club is not a big group of people, folks and some of those fire hydrants were buried under MOUNTAINS of ice and snow.
Maybe a pie purchase is in order?
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
The apparent ongoing debate regarding snow removal at the airport continues...
At the January 11, 2010 Sac City Council meeting, Sac City Councilmen Nich Frohardt asked for a clarification about who is responsible for snow removal at the Sac Municipal Airport. Sac City Administrator, Adam Ledford answered that the City of Sac City clears the runways.
This question was apparently a concern of the Airport Commission’s because City Councilman Brian Muska, the Sac City Council liaison to the Airport Commission said, "What the ...airport has to understand is that the streets are a priority and there's a, I guess a disagreement at points and times that they don't feel that it is adequate service of getting the runways cleared and the hanger area cleared."
According to a city maintenance employee that was present at the meeting, the runways were opened the afternoon just prior to the council meeting. According to Mr. Ledford, clearing the runway became a priority due to a take-off request.
Mr. Muska then asked Mr. Ledford how the city determines how snow removal is prioritized. Mr. Ledford replied that emergency routes for the hospital are cleared out first, followed by a pass of all other city street to make sure that there is complete access to all areas of town. The apparent debate is in choosing between the alleys, piled up snow from the downtown area, and the airport runways.
Mr. Muska asked if were justifiable to send city employees out to the airport while on overtime to remove snow from runways that, "...may or may not be used…" He later continued, “I mean, if they can wait another week and pay at a regular time rate as opposed to getting it done at a time and a half rate, I mean, they have to work with us, being the city, as well and I just don't think ...unless you have an emergency situation... I can’t see paying somebody time and a half and/or double time on a Sunday to go out there and clear the airport. "
According to Mr. Muska, during the 2008-2009 winter season, the airport commission asked the city to come out and clear out the stuff the county had pushed in front of the driveway, which in his opinion was "Totally ridicules."
According to City Administrator Ledford, there are no Federal Aviation Administration rules requiring now removal and no snow was removed from the airport runways between the dates of December 22, 2009 and January 11, 2010.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
This question was apparently a concern of the Airport Commission’s because City Councilman Brian Muska, the Sac City Council liaison to the Airport Commission said, "What the ...airport has to understand is that the streets are a priority and there's a, I guess a disagreement at points and times that they don't feel that it is adequate service of getting the runways cleared and the hanger area cleared."
According to a city maintenance employee that was present at the meeting, the runways were opened the afternoon just prior to the council meeting. According to Mr. Ledford, clearing the runway became a priority due to a take-off request.
Mr. Muska then asked Mr. Ledford how the city determines how snow removal is prioritized. Mr. Ledford replied that emergency routes for the hospital are cleared out first, followed by a pass of all other city street to make sure that there is complete access to all areas of town. The apparent debate is in choosing between the alleys, piled up snow from the downtown area, and the airport runways.
Mr. Muska asked if were justifiable to send city employees out to the airport while on overtime to remove snow from runways that, "...may or may not be used…" He later continued, “I mean, if they can wait another week and pay at a regular time rate as opposed to getting it done at a time and a half rate, I mean, they have to work with us, being the city, as well and I just don't think ...unless you have an emergency situation... I can’t see paying somebody time and a half and/or double time on a Sunday to go out there and clear the airport. "
According to Mr. Muska, during the 2008-2009 winter season, the airport commission asked the city to come out and clear out the stuff the county had pushed in front of the driveway, which in his opinion was "Totally ridicules."
According to City Administrator Ledford, there are no Federal Aviation Administration rules requiring now removal and no snow was removed from the airport runways between the dates of December 22, 2009 and January 11, 2010.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
Council approves 28E agreement with School for Community Center
On January 11, 2010 the Sac City Council approved the 28E agreement they entered into with East Sac County School for support of what is now called the Sac Community Center. The school cut their funding for the center in half in early 2008 and now approves funding every six months instead of year by year.
Both the school and the council are required to ratify the agreement whenever it comes to a vote by the other party. The Sac City Council approved the school's agreement unanimously.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
Both the school and the council are required to ratify the agreement whenever it comes to a vote by the other party. The Sac City Council approved the school's agreement unanimously.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
Sac City Community Garden Update
For the second regular Sac City Council meeting in a row, the idea of establishing a Community garden somewhereinside city limits was discussed
According to City Administrator, Adam Ledford he will meet with a consultant to discuss a possible Community Garden for Sac City, Iowa. He also was to speak with the Sac City Park Board on January 18, 2010 about the community garden project, though there has not yet been a release of information regarding this topic.
The proposed final location for the garden has not been decided upon.
At the January 11, 2010 Sac City Council meeting, it was suggested that an article be written for the Tuesday January 19, 2010 edition of the Sac Sun in an attempt to find interested parties.
It also came to light that some of the people who participated in the ISU Extension Master Gardner's program are interested in putting their newfound knowledge to use in the proposed Community Garden.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
According to City Administrator, Adam Ledford he will meet with a consultant to discuss a possible Community Garden for Sac City, Iowa. He also was to speak with the Sac City Park Board on January 18, 2010 about the community garden project, though there has not yet been a release of information regarding this topic.
The proposed final location for the garden has not been decided upon.
At the January 11, 2010 Sac City Council meeting, it was suggested that an article be written for the Tuesday January 19, 2010 edition of the Sac Sun in an attempt to find interested parties.
It also came to light that some of the people who participated in the ISU Extension Master Gardner's program are interested in putting their newfound knowledge to use in the proposed Community Garden.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
How much did the '09 blizzard cost Sac City?
In recent weeks, Sac County has been attempting to get on to the list of Iowa counties that will receive disaster aid from the state for damage done to infrastructure during the Blizzard of 2009.
Towards that end, the City of Sac City was asked to estimate the cost of damage to public equipment, wear and use, and standard and overtime labor. According to Sac City Administrator Adam Ledford, the '09 blizzard cost Sac City $50,000.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
Towards that end, the City of Sac City was asked to estimate the cost of damage to public equipment, wear and use, and standard and overtime labor. According to Sac City Administrator Adam Ledford, the '09 blizzard cost Sac City $50,000.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
Traffic Court : Janaury 8, 2010 - January 13, 2010
All of the following were either found guilty or admitted guilt on or between the dates of January 8, 2010 and Janaury 13, 2010.
Thomas Edward Rush, Sioux City IA
Juan Pablo Martinez-Hernandez, Ottumwa IA
Cuahutemoc Rodriguez Acevedo, Storm Lake IA
Juan Pablo Martinez-Hernandez, Ottumwa IA
Cuahutemoc Rodriguez Acevedo, Storm Lake IA
Yoctzin Hernandezvargas, Schaller IA
Michael Lewis Ebner, Carroll IA
Jordan Richard Glawe, Aurelia IA
Georgette Jeanne Coots, Onawa IA
Mark Thomas Smith, Coon Rapids IA
Dallas Fitzgerald Wilde, Schaller IA
Robert E. Vaughn, Rolfe IA
Douglas K. Vanklompenburg, Columbus IN
Curtis Leroy Larson, Arthur IA
Chad Richard Reid, Le Center MN
Blake Michael Segebarth, Lytton IA
Jade Elizabeth Meier, Sargent Bluff IA
Eric Alan Gansen, Farley IA
Kevin Michael Wortman. Correctionville, No State Given
Richard Thomas Evans, Walker IA
Joshua John Freimuth, Pomeroy IA
Malcolm R. Shepherd, Paradise TX
Steven Wayne Fear, Everly IA
Elden Ellis, Grantsville UT
Paul J. Leuzenski, Berlin WI
Robert E. Vaughn, Rolfe IA
Alfredo Gonzales, Fort Mogan, CO
Dallas Fitzgerald Wilde, Schaller IA
Elden Ellis, Grantsville UT
Timothy Allen Gunderson, Kiron IA
Robert D. Bacos, Greendale WI
6 - 10 OVER IN A 25 MPH ZONE
James Alan Julius, Grimes IA
Thomas Edward Rush, Sioux City IA
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
Thomas Edward Rush, Sioux City IA
Juan Pablo Martinez-Hernandez, Ottumwa IA
Cuahutemoc Rodriguez Acevedo, Storm Lake IA
Juan Pablo Martinez-Hernandez, Ottumwa IA
Cuahutemoc Rodriguez Acevedo, Storm Lake IA
Yoctzin Hernandezvargas, Schaller IA
Michael Lewis Ebner, Carroll IA
Jordan Richard Glawe, Aurelia IA
Georgette Jeanne Coots, Onawa IA
Mark Thomas Smith, Coon Rapids IA
Dallas Fitzgerald Wilde, Schaller IA
Robert E. Vaughn, Rolfe IA
Douglas K. Vanklompenburg, Columbus IN
Curtis Leroy Larson, Arthur IA
Chad Richard Reid, Le Center MN
Blake Michael Segebarth, Lytton IA
Jade Elizabeth Meier, Sargent Bluff IA
Eric Alan Gansen, Farley IA
Kevin Michael Wortman. Correctionville, No State Given
Richard Thomas Evans, Walker IA
Joshua John Freimuth, Pomeroy IA
Malcolm R. Shepherd, Paradise TX
Steven Wayne Fear, Everly IA
Elden Ellis, Grantsville UT
Paul J. Leuzenski, Berlin WI
Robert E. Vaughn, Rolfe IA
Alfredo Gonzales, Fort Mogan, CO
Dallas Fitzgerald Wilde, Schaller IA
Elden Ellis, Grantsville UT
Timothy Allen Gunderson, Kiron IA
Robert D. Bacos, Greendale WI
6 - 10 OVER IN A 25 MPH ZONE
James Alan Julius, Grimes IA
Thomas Edward Rush, Sioux City IA
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
Tonight's Joint School Board Twitter stream
This is the TSN Twitter stream from the Monday, January 18, 2010 Joint East Sac County School Board meeting. Twitter is more informal than a researched posting and this stream contains both facts, and opinion... serious tweets, and of course the "Sac County Economic Development Drinking Game" (tm)
Let's be very clear about this. The school boards have the choice to share information with the public during the search process.
... and these people have demonstrated in both words and actions that they like their secrets.
The meeting to decide the criteria for a new super is set for Thursday Feb 4, 2010. 2 days after the vote.
Will they let the public know what their criteria are, or will they choose to keep it a secret?
Dave Sands asked if board members could meet together.
Each school board member will meet with the headhunters for about an hour.
The school board members have no legal reason to keep these meetings secret from the public. Will they choose to keep these meetings se ...
Naturally, Dave Sands, Vice President of the anti-ESC board has volunteered to choose the members of the focus groups 2 hire the new supe
Lisa Drost and Dave Sands will be the SB directors on the committee of 4 to choose the members of the focus groups.
the headhunters will discuss what they discovered from the focus groups on the night of the school board meeting on February 11, 2010.
There will be 4 people that review each applicant for the job. They will make 8-10 background checks for each candidate.
ESC boards will interview the 4-5 semi finalists on March 16, 2010.
For those of you that are playing the "Economic Development Drinking Game" at home... DRINK!
(To Play: Whenever Shirley Phillips mentions that she's involved with economic development take a shot.) ;)
btw, it's giant collar and pink pleather power jacket night at the School Board meeting.
The school board is starting to have a conversation about salary. The Headhunters say that they are already getting questions about this...
The consultants say the average for a school our size is 114k. The consultants recomend the salary be set as high as possible.
Bellcock wants to give the new superintendent around that base wage.
Huser and Sands suggest 120-140k.
Sands suggests 120-125k
Phillips suggests 115-120k btw DRINK!
Huser in in favor of a 3 year contract.
Phillips has suggested a 2 year contract.
Sands favors a 1 year contract
The boards have just agreed to a range of between 120 and 140K for a salary
That is between 6 and 26K more than the pay for a brand new hire.
140K is pretty close to Barb Kruthoff's base pay and would buy a super at about her level of experience.
RESULTS OF TONIGHT'S SCEDDG : You have taken 2 shots in 93 minutes. You are practically sober.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
Let's be very clear about this. The school boards have the choice to share information with the public during the search process.
... and these people have demonstrated in both words and actions that they like their secrets.
The meeting to decide the criteria for a new super is set for Thursday Feb 4, 2010. 2 days after the vote.
Will they let the public know what their criteria are, or will they choose to keep it a secret?
Dave Sands asked if board members could meet together.
Each school board member will meet with the headhunters for about an hour.
The school board members have no legal reason to keep these meetings secret from the public. Will they choose to keep these meetings se ...
Naturally, Dave Sands, Vice President of the anti-ESC board has volunteered to choose the members of the focus groups 2 hire the new supe
Lisa Drost and Dave Sands will be the SB directors on the committee of 4 to choose the members of the focus groups.
the headhunters will discuss what they discovered from the focus groups on the night of the school board meeting on February 11, 2010.
There will be 4 people that review each applicant for the job. They will make 8-10 background checks for each candidate.
ESC boards will interview the 4-5 semi finalists on March 16, 2010.
For those of you that are playing the "Economic Development Drinking Game" at home... DRINK!
(To Play: Whenever Shirley Phillips mentions that she's involved with economic development take a shot.) ;)
btw, it's giant collar and pink pleather power jacket night at the School Board meeting.
The school board is starting to have a conversation about salary. The Headhunters say that they are already getting questions about this...
The consultants say the average for a school our size is 114k. The consultants recomend the salary be set as high as possible.
Bellcock wants to give the new superintendent around that base wage.
Huser and Sands suggest 120-140k.
Sands suggests 120-125k
Phillips suggests 115-120k btw DRINK!
Huser in in favor of a 3 year contract.
Phillips has suggested a 2 year contract.
Sands favors a 1 year contract
The boards have just agreed to a range of between 120 and 140K for a salary
That is between 6 and 26K more than the pay for a brand new hire.
140K is pretty close to Barb Kruthoff's base pay and would buy a super at about her level of experience.
RESULTS OF TONIGHT'S SCEDDG : You have taken 2 shots in 93 minutes. You are practically sober.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
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