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6:00PM - Live Coverage of the Auburn City Council Meeting

  • 6:00PM - Auburn City Council

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  • COVERAGE CANCELLED: Live Kid's World and Sac City Council Video Feed

    TSN will let you know what happened at these meetings, but there will be no live or taped coverage of these events this week.

  • 5:00PM - Kid's World
  • 6:30PM- Sac City Council

    Free live streaming by Ustream

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  • Events - November 14, 2011

  • All-Day No School - Teacher Inservice
  • 4:00PM - B BB practice begins
  • 5:00PM - 2011 Kid's World Agenda
  • 6:00PM - Auburn City Council Agenda
  • 6:30PM - Sac City Council Agenda
  • 7:00PM - FFA Alumni Donkey ball @ LV
  • 7:00PM - Wall Lake City Council Agenda
  • 7:00PM - Sac County Extension Agenda

    See a list of all upcoming events

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  • TSN's Top trending story as of Noon - 11/14/11

    Lake View Man Nabbed on Burglary 3rd

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    Reader accuses editor of screening comment

    I posted a comment ( actually 2) a week ago and have not seem them. Evidently, you screen those you may not like and only post comments that make it look like people supoprt you. That's quite a statement as far as free speak.

    - Anonymous

    I'm sorry to hear that you had problems getting your comment published. As the editor, I try to find a way to publish all anonymous comments about politicians without regard to content with the possible exception of allegations of criminal activity. Feel free to resubmit.

    In regards to only publishing comments of people that are supportive of of me personally, I think you'll find as you explore TSN's pages that there are pages and pages of comments that you probably couldn't classify as supportive, the most recent of course being the following "Now that its proven that the majority of people want you to stay out of the city government butt out! Don't like it move see ya no skin off our ass." which came in and was published within time frame you to which you refer. say nothing of the actual Hatemail, Trolls, and Abuse section dedicated exclusively to the comments of "non-supporters".

    If you choose to resubmit your comments, and they aren't published within a reasonable time frame, feel free to give me a call or text at 712 830 7373 or send an email to alerting me to the problem and I will personally see that your comments are published using my personal access. (In order to remain anonymous, I would recommend restricting your number or creating an anonymous email account specifically for the purpose)

    As always, thank you for contributing to TSN's success with your participation,
    Curtis Bloes

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