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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nisi magna, imperdiet sed scelerisque eget, aliquet ut lectus. In ut lorem tempor erat faucibus viverra sed ut neque. Aliquam at lacus tortor. Sed ac velit turpis. Aliquam vestibulum leo tellus, ut tempor arcu. Mauris tincidunt magna eget libero tristique at consequat tortor tincidunt. Quisque at dolor nunc, vitae tincidunt tellus. Quisque sed neque justo, eu posuere nibh. Fusce sapien quam, mattis vel varius nec, congue sed arcu. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tincidunt iaculis justo, ac volutpat nulla fermentum id. Fusce vitae metus sit amet tortor tempus volutpat non in eros. Curabitur lectus orci, dapibus id mattis in, condimentum quis augue. Etiam ligula nibh, luctus quis feugiat sed, placerat eu ligula. In in porta diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;
Curabitur porttitor ligula nec nibh volutpat ut gravida augue dapibus. Duis id adipiscing mauris. Cras eu ligula vel ipsum rutrum suscipit. Aenean tincidunt, urna sed facilisis fringilla, purus ligula tristique arcu, non blandit nibh ipsum sit amet justo. Quisque fringilla fermentum aliquet. Nunc ullamcorper odio accumsan dolor venenatis viverra. In vitae tortor eget est rutrum malesuada in vel erat.
Morbi semper nulla eu erat vestibulum eu varius enim elementum. Maecenas mauris nulla, pretium vel vulputate in, consequat sed sem. Donec vitae erat sapien, non posuere lacus. Sed et quam ipsum, vel tempus eros. Nullam eleifend ligula dolor, eu dapibus lectus. Vestibulum faucibus convallis mauris, vel sodales augue iaculis eget. Nulla fringilla dolor at quam scelerisque gravida eu eu massa. Praesent vel ante vel enim facilisis molestie. Pellentesque nulla dolor, pretium non adipiscing et, ultricies sed odio. Aliquam in arcu quis mauris tincidunt consequat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean congue congue hendrerit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec ut interdum risus. Aliquam ac mi vitae leo viverra ultrices sit amet at enim.
Maecenas semper, arcu sit amet varius dapibus, purus dui vulputate nulla, euismod scelerisque lorem risus eget nisi. Duis viverra dui et purus tempor sollicitudin. Aenean eu elit vitae quam suscipit viverra sed non tellus. Proin interdum dui eu nibh dictum at rhoncus turpis egestas. Mauris viverra viverra tellus, vel fringilla mauris mattis consectetur. Nunc lacus metus, dapibus sit amet venenatis quis, dignissim eu nunc. Suspendisse at enim quam, id vehicula nisl. Suspendisse potenti. Sed laoreet congue erat, in pharetra justo tristique sit amet. Nam iaculis risus ullamcorper libero fringilla sagittis.
Donec ut dui eget nisl aliquam aliquam. Integer nulla augue, dapibus in posuere vel, aliquam eu orci. Duis imperdiet ligula sit amet nisi pulvinar molestie. Vivamus neque felis, laoreet sit amet feugiat sed, tempus ut nisl. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Proin quis congue lacus. Sed nulla tortor, rutrum sit amet mollis quis, imperdiet non felis. Vivamus quis nisi neque, id porta lorem. Nullam luctus massa id diam porttitor vitae laoreet sapien accumsan.

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TheSacNews/Sac Sun content comparison - April 25, 2012 to May 1, 2012

City council gets ready for summer activities
2012 Hall of Fame (photo)
Search Warrant leads to three arrests on drug charges
Sac City man arrested on several drug charges
Nemaha man arrested for child endangerment
Around the Area – Lake View
Around the Area –Wall Lake
Capitol Comments (photo)
State Capitol Review(photo)
Obituary – Beatrice M. Fells (photo)
Obituary – Dena Hamilton
Obituary – Ruby Book Launderville Lorenzen (photo)
Obituary – Dennis Geery Green (photo)
Obituary – John Earl Hoefling (photo)
Small Claims
Traffic violations
News Digest – Chamber Main Street Plans
News Digest – Loring Hospital Auxiliary Luncheon
News Digest – Legion Meeting
News Digest – Wee Reads Story Hour
News Digest – Sit and Knit at the library
News Digest – Mother’s Day Cricut Workshop at the Library
News Digest – Mother’s Day Hike
News Digest – SCCB Celebrating 50 years
 News Digest – Sac City Men’s Club hoagies
News Digest – AA/Al Anon meetings in Sac City
News Digest – Are you building in Sac co.
News Digest - ESCO Message lines
News Digest – Congregate meals served
News Digest – Experience works offered
News Digest – Mentors needed for kids
News Digest – Cans collected for kids
News Digest – Recorder’s office offers passport photos
Minutes of the April 9, 2012 Kid’s World board meeting
Art/FCS/ITD show to  be held
Sac Elementary spring program held (4 photos)
Raiders continue winning ways on the golf course
Schrader shatters ESC record on 800m run
Haye leads Raider boys at Prairie Valley meet
Raider girls win Emily Market relays on Manson
Raider golfers ranked in both girl’s and boy’s rankings
Raiders take part in Rosa Samuelson Relays
Raider golf teams win OA-BCIG Tournaments
ESC girls compete in 4x100 relay at 2012 Drake Relays
Public notice – May 9 Sac City street project informational meeting

News Digest – Carroll Area I-Club Banquet
News Digest – Pheasants Forever Summer Camps
County Emergency Management seeking volunteers
Four inducted into Sac hall of Fame
Mom’s on Main is a success (photo)
Soil and Water conservation week  is April 29 – May 6 (photo)
Around the Area – Schaller
Around the Area – Odebolt
Around the Area – Early
Around the Area – Ida Grove
Around the Area – Ida Grove
Around the Area – Newell
Around the Area – Fonda
Around the Area – Laurens
Around the Area – Lytton
Making your own arrangement workshop offered
Governor signs tax credit for volunteer firefighter, EMS (photo)
The CommStock Report (photo)
Farming and your freedom – Something (gained or lost) for everyone in ’12 Farm Bill
Phillips joins Farm Credit Services of America’s (photo)
Extension Connection – Spring into season with fresh green beans
Ministers message – Coming soon!
Ryan Spotts inducted into Tau Beta Pi (photo)
LeAnn Schultz initiated as a member of Omicron Gamma Chapter of Kappa Omicron Nu at ISU (photo)
Bridge club
National Library Week Corner (3 photo)
Sac green Team 4-H met (photo)
Class of 2014 presents Kid’s World with check (photo)
Senior Center menu
Vivacious Homemaker
Sheriff Sale
Sac City notice to bidders – Tractor lease or sale
Sac City notice – Sale of Alley
East Sac County has heart (3 photos)
East Sac County Middle School boys track team (photo)
East Sac County Middle School girls track team (photo) 
Senior Spotlight – Witte Reitter (photo)
Photo of Justin Kraft

Legislature votes to create Iowa Public Information Board
FIRST LOOK: April 23, 2012 Wall Lake City Council Meeting
NJ Father Records Teachers Bulying His Autistic Child
FIRST LOOK: April 24, 2012 Sac County Supervisors Meeting
113 photos added to the collection, "April 15, 2012 Lake View Pelican Plunge"
April 24, 2012 20 Highway 20 update
Raw video of the explosion near Hinton, Iowa
April 26, 2012 Sac Chamber News / 3 and 4 year old Kid's World Vocal performance
The cigarette butt that foiled an ATM bandit
Agency shelves rules limiting child labor on farms
Thursday's Drake Relay Results
The reason flags are at half-staff today
April 27, 2012 Wall Lake City Council Agenda
Matt Biede talks about gun issues and his campaign for Iowa senate
37 new photos added to the collection, "February 27, 2012 ESC Parade of Bands"
15 more photos added to the collection, "October 10, 2011 Junior Varsity Football"
Sac City Department Head Reports Reviewed April 23, 2012
Happy Endings, New Beginnings in Puppy Lottery
35 more photos added to the collection, "October 4, 2011 ESC Cross Country"
Minutes of the April 24, 2012 Sac County Supervisors Meeting
Minutes of the April 16, 2012 Schaller City Council Meeting
Lake View clean up day details
May 1, 2012 Sac County Supervisors Agenda
19 things we learned at the April 23, 2012 Wall Lake City Council
‎50 percent of Iowa corn crop planted: Weekly crop report shows good progress. 
Branstad insists on tax reform before adjournment
TheSacNews only news at the Joint Sac City Council and Sac Planning and Zoning meeting

Sac County Land Record Activity recorded on April 27, 2012
50 more photos added to the collection, "April 24, 2012 K-4 Sac Elementary Vocal Performance"
Sac County Land Record Activity recorded on April 26, 2012
Sac County Land Record Activity recorded on April 25, 2012
42 things we learned at the April 23, 2012 Sac City Council Meeting
Judgment against Sac City man in the amount of $2,141.00
Raiders win Markert Relays
Sac City woman sued for $1,989.94
Judgment against Carnarvon man in the amount of $1,500.00
Lake View man sued for $1,523.15
Sac City man accused of OWI 2nd
Sac City man accused of Possession of Marijuana
Sac City man accused of Possession of Drug Paraphernalia
Sac City man accused of Possession of Marijuana 3rd subsequent offense
Sac City man accused of Felon in Possession of Firearm
Sac County Traffic Court Activity - April 17, 2012 to April 23, 2012
Sac County Small Claims Court Activity - April 17, 2012 to April 23, 2012
Sac County Criminal Court Activity - April 17, 2012 to April 23, 2012
Sac County Civil Court Activity - April 17, 2012 to April 23, 2012
Sac City woman Accused of Possession of Marijuana
Sac City woman accused of and pleads not guilty to Possession of Drug Paraphernalia for second time in one week
Lake View man sued for $1,523.15
Sac County Land Record Activity recorded on April 24, 2012
Sac County Land Record Activity recorded on April 23, 2012
Odebolt man sued for $478.02
150 photos added to the collection, "April 24, 2012 K-4 Elementary vocal Concert Volume 1"

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