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City of Auburn, Iowa refusing to fully disclose public records?

On May 16, 2011 Mayor of Auburn, Iowa Linda Beidler, in a mass communication put out to all Auburn City Councilors at one time, solicited communications that she apparently had no intention of sharing with the public regarding the subject of whether emergency workers should be allowed to use the new meeting room at the Auburn Fire Department for free.

During that meeting, Beidler claimed that she received responses from everyone, yet when I did a freedom of information act request to the city of Auburn for all of the responses she received from the city councilors, only three of those responses were turned over.

Last time I counted, there were five people on the Auburn, Iowa City Council.

Following are the three communications that Mayor Beidler apparently feels the public should be allowed to see.

Fredom of information act requests for confidential information from Auburn City Council

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