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Paving project nears completion on Sauk Rail Trail

ESC JV Volleyball team racking up the wins

SCCB Program-White Tail Talk

-Gear up for the hunting season by:
-Learning about Deer Biology
-Hear Iowa DNR’s management plan for the White Tail Deer
-Meet at Lobo’s in Schaller
-Starts at 7 pm on September 30th

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1. Keep it civil and stay on topic.
2. Some profanity will be allowed if deemed editorially relevant.
3. No harassment of private citizens will be allowed.
4. Criticism of elected officials is encouraged.
5. If your comment hasn't been posted within a few hours, then it was probably deleted.

Vote for the Raiders!

KCCI is considering coming to Wall Lake to cover the Raiders homecoming game, but the only way to make them come is to go to their website to vote.

Click on the link and vote (for ESC of course,)and you may get to see your teammates/classmates/children on TV. Heck… you may even get the opportunity to scream “WOOO!” at a camera yourself!

Please repost this link on your wall.

Would your like your announcement posted on TSN?   Mail it to 
 the first day is FREE! :)

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes All Rights Reserved