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Terms of new Superintendent Kevin Fiene's contract spelled out in March 25, 2010 Joint ESC School boards meeting minutes

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Sac Elementary School Board Room

The Boards of Education of the Sac and Wall Lake View Auburn Community School Districts met in special session on Thursday, March 25, 2010 at 6:00 P.M. in the Sac Elementary School Board Room with the following board members present: SAC: Shirley Phillips, Marti Huser, Brent Wilhlem, David Sands, and Melissa Bellcock. WLVA: Chuck Brotherton, Shannon Mahannah, Lisa Drost, Jack DeBourgh, and Chris Rodman. Also present was Gaylord Tryon of G. Tryon & Associates.

Meeting was called to order by Presidents Phillips and Brotherton.

Motion by Sands and seconded by Huser to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. WLVA approved the agenda also.

Motion by Sands and seconded by Huser to move into closed session as provided by Section 2l.5.1.i.of the Code of Iowa to discuss candidates for the position of superintendent as those candidates had requested. Motion carried on a roll-call vote with all five board members voting “yes”. WLVA passed the same motion on a roll-call vote and the closed session began at 6:05 P.M.

The board returned to open session at 6:30 P.M. and those joining the meeting included Principals Kevin Litterer and Mike Fischer, members of the news media, and 5 visitors.

Motion by Chris Rodman and seconded by Shannon Mahannah to approve the hiring of Dr. Kevin Fiene as superintendent on a 3 year WLVA contract to begin 7-1-2010. The first year to be a shared superintendent with Sac and years #2 and #3 to be as the superintendent for East Sac Community School District at a base salary of $125,000.00. Other benefits to be included in the contract include: 20 days vacation, 3 personal days, 30 days sick leave for first year with 15 days added per year up to maximum of 125 days, 7 holidays, family insurance coverage, $100,000.00 in term life insurance, long-term disability coverage, state and national dues and state convention attendance as approved by the board, district to provide a lap-top computer and data phone, and reimbursement for moving expenses up to $4,000.00. Motion carried 5-0.

Motion by Wilhelm and seconded by Huser that the Sac Community School District continue to share the superintendent contract with the WLVA District for 2010-2011 with each district to pay one-half of the contract expenses. Motion carried 5-0.

Gaylord Tryon informed those present that he had spoken with Kevin Fiene and he had accepted the districts’ offer to become the new superintendent.

The board then expressed their appreciation to Mr. Tryon and the members of his firm for their assistance in the selection process and also thanked all members of the focus groups for their comments and evaluation information which enabled the board to make the final selection.

There being no further business, motion by Sands and seconded by Huser to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 6:35 P.M.


Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

Minutes of the March 24, 2010 Joint ESC School boards meeting

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
East Sac County High School Library

The Boards of Education of the Sac and Wall Lake View Auburn Community School Districts met in special session on Wednesday, March 24, 2010 at 6:00 P.M. in the East Sac County High School Library at Lake View with the following board members present: SAC: Shirley Phillips, Melissa Bellcock, Dave Sands, Marti Huser, and Brent Wilhelm. WLVA: Chuck Brotherton, Shannon Mahannah, Lisa Drost, Chris Rodman, and Jack DeBourgh.

Also present for the special session was superintendent candidate Dr. Kevin Fiene and his wife Nancy along with Gaylord Tryon and David Haggard of G. Tryon & Associates.

Following a time of informal conversation and dinner, the boards were called to order by Presidents Brotherton and Phillips at 6:50 P.M.

Motion by Sands and seconded by Bellcock to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. WLVA also approved the agenda as presented.

Motion by Huser and seconded by Bellcock to move to closed session as provided by Section 21.5.1.i. of the Code of Iowa for the purpose of evaluating a candidate for the position of superintendent since he had requested a closed session. Motion carried on a roll-call vote with all five board members voting “yes”. WLVA passed the same motion on a roll-call vote with similar results.

Following the closed session, the boards returned to open session at 8:40 P.M.

Motion by Sands and seconded by Huser to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.


Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

Minutes of the March 23, 2010 Joint ESC School boards meeting

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
East Sac County High School Library

The Boards of Education of the Sac and Wall Lake View Auburn Community School Districts met in special session on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 6:00 P.M. in the East Sac County High School Library at Lake View with the following board members present:
SAC: Shirley Phillips, Melissa Bellcock, Marti Huser, Brent Wilhelm, and Dave Sands.
WLVA: Chuck Brotherton, Jack DeBourgh, Shannon Mahannah, Chris Rodman, and Lisa Drost.

Also present for the special session was superintendent candidate Dr. Richard Jones and his wife Jeannie along with Gaylord Tryon and David Haggard of G. Tryon & Associates.

Following a time of informal conversation and dinner, the boards were called to order by Presidents Brotherton and Phillips at 6:45 P.M.

Motion by Sands and seconded by Bellcock to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. WLVA also approved the agenda as presented.

Motion by Wilhelm and seconded by Huser to move to closed session as provided by Section 2l.5.1.i.of the Code of Iowa for the purpose of evaluating a candidate for the position of superintendent since he had requested a closed session. Motion carried on a roll-call vote with all five board members voting “yes”. WLVA passed the same motion on a roll-call vote with similar results.

Following the closed session, the boards returned to open session at 8:25 P.M.

Motion by Wilhelm and seconded by Huser to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 P.M.


Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

VIDEO - March 23, 2010 Sac County Supervisors

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

Minutes of the March 23, 2010 Sac County Supervisors meeting

March 23, 2010
Board Room

10:00 AM

The Sac County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with all members present, Dean Stock, Chairman, presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.

It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Bensley to amend the agenda to consider awarding the bid on DD 73 cleanout and approval of mental health advocate claim. Ayes all, motion carried.

It was moved by Bensley and seconded by Hecht to approve the agenda as amended. Ayes all, motion carried.

It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Bensley to approve the February payroll claim submitted by Sandra Sweeney, Sac County Mental Health Advocate. Ayes all, motion carried.

It was moved by Bensley and seconded by Hecht, on the recommendation of Kuehl and Payer drainage engineers, to accept the low bid of $97,480.50 submitted by OK Construction of Schleswig, Iowa, for cleanout on DD 73. Ayes all, motion carried.

The Board reviewed the current interest rates applied to outstanding drainage warrants on drainage districts within Sac County. Currently the interest rate is 7%. It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Bensley to set the interest rate on all new stamped drainage warrants at 5% effective this date. Ayes all, motion carried.

It was moved by Bensley and seconded by Hecht to approve a repair estimate on DD 69 in the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 31, Douglas Twp in the amount of $600.00. Ayes all, motion carried.

The County Engineer updated the Board on activities of the county road crews and the status of current maintenance and construction projects.

The Board and the Engineer discussed the policy on limiting school bus traffic on gravel roads during certain times of the year and under certain conditions.

With there being no further business, on motion, the meeting was adjourned.

Secretary S/ James W. Dowling Chairman ___________________________________, Date __________


Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

REPORT - Maintenance Department

This document was in the Sac City Council's packet of documents to be reviewed at the March 22, 2010 Sac City Council meeting. It was not reviewed in open session.

scdhr mar maint

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

REPORT - Gas Department

This document was in the Sac City Council's packet of documents to be reviewed at the March 22, 2010 Sac City Council meeting. It was not reviewed in open session.

scdhr mar gas

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

REPORT - Airport

This document was in the Sac City Council's packet of documents to be reviewed at the March 22, 2010 Sac City Council meeting. It was not reviewed in open session.

scdhr feb airport

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

REPORT - Water Plant

This document was in the Sac City Council's packet of documents to be reviewed at the March 22, 2010 Sac City Council meeting. It was not reviewed in open session.

scdhr feb water

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

REPORT - Sac City Police Department

All people accused of crimes are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
The disposition of all cases are subject to change without notice.
These documents are freely available for inspection at the Sac County Courthouse.
Comments regarding crime will be strictly moderated.

This document was in the Sac City Council's packet of documents to be reviewed at the March 22, 2010 Sac City Council meeting. It was not reviewed in open session.

scdhr feb police

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

REPORT - Library

This document was in the Sac City Council's packet of documents to be reviewed at the March 22, 2010 Sac City Council meeting. It was not reviewed in open session.

scdhr feb library

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

REPORT - Waste Water Treatment Plant

This document was in the packet of documents given to the Sac City Council for review over the weekend of March 19, 2010. It was referred to briefly at the March 22, 2010 Sac City Council meeting during the discussion regarding what to do with extra funds for sewer repair.

scdhr feb wwtp

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

Tancy Becker resigns from Library Board

On March 22, 2010 thee Sac City Council accepted the following letter of resignation from Tancy Becker.

Taking Ms. Becker's place on the Library Board is Sharon Thompson of Sac City.

Tancy Becker letter of resignation

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

Sac City Council sets 2010 spring clean-up prices

On March 22, 2010 the Sac City Council approved the prices on the following document.

2010 spring clean-up prices and dates

The dates listed were approved on March 8, 2010.

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

fecr011597 - Leonard Newton

All people accused of crimes are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
The disposition of all cases are subject to change without notice.
These documents are freely available for inspection at the Sac County Courthouse.
Comments regarding crime will be strictly moderated.

fecr011597 - Leonard Newton

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

srcr011596 - Jeremy Ryan Simon

All people accused of crimes are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
The disposition of all cases are subject to change without notice.
These documents are freely available for inspection at the Sac County Courthouse.
Comments regarding crime will be strictly moderated.

srcr011596 - Jeremy Ryan Simon

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved

srcr011595 - Mitchell William Blair

All people accused of crimes are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
The disposition of all cases are subject to change without notice.
These documents are freely available for inspection at the Sac County Courthouse.
Comments regarding crime will be strictly moderated.

srcr011595 - Mitchell William Blair

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved