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East Sac Middle School FFA Conducts Fourth Annual Awards Ceremony

By: Brandy Wright, Middle School Reporter

Opening ceremonies for the Third Annual East Sac Middle School FFA Chapter were conducted at the high school small gym on Thursday, May 26th at 5:00 PM. Family members were served a light supper. A welcome was given by Middle School President, Megan Pickhinke. East Sac High School FFA members presented the awards throughout the evening.

2010-11 Middle School FFA Officers

Certificates of Recognition were presented to individuals and teams for their various accomplishments throughout the year. Discovery Degrees were awarded to students who had earned them but not yet received them at their leadership event. Leadership Career Development Events (CDEs) for district and state competitions were presented to members of the Ag CSI and Ag Impact Teams. Individuals were also recognized for their participation in the CDE Olympics held prior to the awards ceremony.

Applications were submitted to Mrs. Rupnow and shared with the high school FFA officers for selection of the Star Discovery Award. This award recognizes one outstanding FFA member in middle school. The recipient of the Star Discovery award was Megan Pichhinke. Megan received a plaque for her achievements throughout the year and will be awarded a free FFA jacket this fall.

The East Sac Middle School FFA Chapter Officers also received plaques for their 2010-11 terms in office. These recipients included: Megan Pickhinke, President; Nicole Huser, Vice President; Sarah Stark, Secretary; Jaylynn Peters, Treasurer; Brandy Wright, Reporter; and Riley Pasen, Sentinel. The 2011-12 Middle School Officer Team will be elected this fall.

The East Sac FFA is a youth organization of 143 student members preparing for leadership and careers in the science, business and technology. FFA strives to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. For more information, visit

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Curtis Bloes - Editor

May, 2011 Sac County Sheriff Incident List

May_ 2011 Sac County Sheriff Incident List

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Curtis Bloes - Editor

Sac County Small Claims Court – May 31, 2011 to June 6, 2011

Sac County Small Claims Court – May 31_ 2011 to June 6_ 2011

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Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor

Claims approved by the Sac County Supervisors on June 7, 2011

Claims approved by the Sac County Supervisors on June 7_ 2011

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Curtis Bloes - Editor

Passed Away - Harvey A. Dahle

Harvey A. Dahle
August 05, 1928 - June 06, 2011 Lake View, IA

Private family memorial services for Harvey A. Dahle, age 82, of Lake View will be held at a later date. Harvey died Monday at Black Hawk Life Care Center in Lake View.

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Curtis Bloes - Editor

June, 2011 City of Lake View Newsletter

June_ 2011 City of Lake View Newsletter

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Curtis Bloes - Editor

Sac City man accused of carrying a concealed weapon

Sac City man accused of carrying a concealed weapon

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Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor

East Sac FFA Holds Middle School CDE Olympics

By: Brandy Wright, Middle School Reporter

On May 26th, 2011, at 3:00 P.M., 26 East Sac FFA Middle School Students attended the CDE Olympics at the Agri-Science facility in Lake View. The Career Development (CDE) Olympics were presented by High School members of East Sac FFA. The Middle School members participated in mini-versions of a real CDE that they might participate in during high school. There was an Agronomy CDE where members identified different plants, weeds, and seeds; performed grain grading; and took a short knowledge test. The Food Science CDE tested members’ skills at trying to differentiate between certain crackers and drinks; identify 10 aromas; and take a short knowledge test. The Meats CDE gave members the opportunity to test their knowledge of carcass evaluation, retail cut identification, and quality and yield grading. Last but not least, The Ag Mechanics CDE, provided members a chance to show how much they know about mechanics related to agriculture. Members identified electrical, welding, and small engines equipment; took a short knowledge test; and completed two problem solving activities.

top five individuals from the Ag CDE Olympics

Members were then presented awards when they were finished with the program at the Fourth Annual East Sac FFA Middle School Banquet that same evening. Results of the event were as follows. Agronomy winner: Brian Frederick, Ag Mechanics winner: Cody Obmann, Food Science winner: Nicole Huser, and Meats winner: Sarah Stark. The top five individuals, starting with first place, were: Brian Frederick, Nicole Huser, Morgan Ackerman, Sarah Stark, and Nicole Langbein. Congratulations to all members for participating and thank you to all high school FFA members who helped with the event.

The East Sac FFA is a youth organization of 143 student members preparing for leadership and careers in the science, business and technology. FFA strives to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. For more information, visit

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Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor

Sac County traffic charges disposed between May 31, 2011 and June 6, 2011

Sac County traffic charges disposed between May 31_ 2011 and June 6_ 2011

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Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor


The title of the post at the following link used to read

According to a rumor being spread by at least one prominent and long standing member of Sac City’s Chamber/Mainstreet organization…

The title has been changed to more accurately reflect the implications of the scope of the rumor problem to read, "According to a rumor being spread by at least one prominent participant in Sac City's civic organizations..."

It was not my intention to give the impression, nor do I personally believe that the rumors about the school principal's imminent firing were started at the official direction of Sac City, Iowa Chamber/Mainstreet.

Curtis Bloes, Editor of

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Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor

June 6, 2011 Odebolt City Council Meeting

Monday, June 6, 2011
CITY HALL - 7:30 p.m.

1. Call to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approve agenda
4. Approve minutes of previous meetings
5. Approve bills
6. Lagoon Project
A. Change Order…..Res. #11.19
B. Pay request
7. Raise Sewer Rates…First Reading
8. Discussion about unauthorized planting on city property
9. 8:00 p.m. – Hearing –Budget Amendment
A. FY2011… Resolution #11.20
10. Citizens to be heard
11. Permits:
A. Building permits
B. Cigarette Permits: Cubby’s & Sparky’s
C. OCC: Creek Days-Outdoor Sales and Transfer
12. Tax abatement request
13. Complaint file
14. Nuisance Abatement Committee report
15. Acquired properties
16. Library Report
17. DOT Maintenance Contract-Revised
18. City Hall Roof
19. County Law Enforcement report
20. Wage Resolution #11.21
21. Delinquent water bills
22. Open Burning Discussion
23. Street Improvements
24. Supt. of Utilities report
25. Committee reports
26. Concern about new building going up adjacent to city limits
27. Committee reports continued
28. Donation for major/minors baseball field
29. Adjourn

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Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor

Researching East Sac County School Board President Chuck Brotherton's 1000 emails in real time June 10 - 1:12AM

TO: "Kevin Fiene"
CC: "john raft"
FROM: "Curtis Bloes"
TIME: 1:12AM
DATE: June 10, 2011
SUBJECT: FOIA request for records - June 10, 2011

Dr. Fiene,
This is a freedom of information act request for a copy of all emails, texts, instant messages, or any other form of archivable electronic or hard copy communication that was sent or received by you including messages that were forwarded either to or from you between you and any East Sac County School Board Directors, WLVA CSD employees including contractors, Sac CSD employees including contractors, Wall Lake View Auburn School Board Directors, or Sac Community School Board Directors.

The requested records will include any records that either refer to or contain any direct or indirect reference at all to basketball played by females or Mike Fischer between November 24, 2010 and May 1, 2011. I also specifically request copies of all complaints about Mike Fischer which, according to Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller's website are open records under Iowa's open record laws. As such, I would expect no redactions of any kind regarding copies of the complaints that fall within the bounds of the records I have requested.

I think as you fulfill this request you will agree that it is in the best interest of the public that these records be made public so I therefore request that you waive any fee that you might associate with fulfilling this request. Should you choose to impose a fee, please contact me via Email at or phone at 712 830 7373 with a cost estimate before fulfilling the request.

I think you will agree that it is in the spirit of the open records laws of Iowa to be as open as possible. If there are portions of any record that Iowa law or federal law indicates should not be released, please consider releasing the record with redactions and indicate that redaction in whatever way you choose. Also please keep in mind that the names of public employees within the meta information of the requested emails are specifically considered public records and that public employees have no reasonable expectation of confidentiality in their internal communications.

If you deny access to any of the requested records, please indicate in writing the reason for the denial of access.

Please mail me at with any questions you may have about this request.

Thank you,
Curtis Bloes

Terms of Use
Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved
Curtis Bloes - Editor