Opening ceremonies for the Third Annual East Sac Middle School FFA Chapter were conducted at the high school small gym on Thursday, May 26th at 5:00 PM. Family members were served a light supper. A welcome was given by Middle School President, Megan Pickhinke. East Sac High School FFA members presented the awards throughout the evening.
2010-11 Middle School FFA Officers
Certificates of Recognition were presented to individuals and teams for their various accomplishments throughout the year. Discovery Degrees were awarded to students who had earned them but not yet received them at their leadership event. Leadership Career Development Events (CDEs) for district and state competitions were presented to members of the Ag CSI and Ag Impact Teams. Individuals were also recognized for their participation in the CDE Olympics held prior to the awards ceremony.
Applications were submitted to Mrs. Rupnow and shared with the high school FFA officers for selection of the Star Discovery Award. This award recognizes one outstanding FFA member in middle school. The recipient of the Star Discovery award was Megan Pichhinke. Megan received a plaque for her achievements throughout the year and will be awarded a free FFA jacket this fall.
The East Sac Middle School FFA Chapter Officers also received plaques for their 2010-11 terms in office. These recipients included: Megan Pickhinke, President; Nicole Huser, Vice President; Sarah Stark, Secretary; Jaylynn Peters, Treasurer; Brandy Wright, Reporter; and Riley Pasen, Sentinel. The 2011-12 Middle School Officer Team will be elected this fall.
The East Sac FFA is a youth organization of 143 student members preparing for leadership and careers in the science, business and technology. FFA strives to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. For more information, visit
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Curtis Bloes - Editor