Board Room
10:00 AM
The Sac County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with all members present, Jack Bensley, Chairman, presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.
It was moved by Stock and seconded by Hecht to amend the agenda to consider action regarding the former Schultz property. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Stock to approve the agenda as amended. Ayes all, motion carried.
During the Citizen input portion of the meeting, the Board reviewed a letter sent by the Auburn City Council encouraging the Board to maintain the current number of voting precincts. The Board has yet to make a decision on the number of precincts in Sac County.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Stock to approve the claims as listed on the claims register in the Auditor’s office. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Stock and seconded by Hecht to approve the drainage claims as submitted. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Stock to approve a letter of response submitted by The Trileaf Corp to the Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources regarding the type of monitoring recommended by the DNR on the former Schultz property located at 3rd and Main Streets in Sac City. Ayes all, motion carried. The DNR recommended a low risk monitoring situation and the Trileaf Corp suggested that no action is required.
The Board reviewed the Engineer’s report of activities of the county road crews, the status of current maintenance and construction projects and construction on Highway 20 as it pertains to secondary roads.
With there being no further business, on motion, the meeting was adjourned.
Secretary S/ James W. Dowling, Chairman____________________, Date___________