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Wall Lake City Councilors review the bills to be allowed


Following is a transcript of the conversation and a record of the votes, if any.

Chris Rodman
Are you still gonna vote on everything?

Ray Boeckmann

Chris Rodman

Ray Boeckmann
[LAUGHS] now when I’m [UNINTELLIGIBLE] I suppose I could.

Chris Rodman
Well, I asked Steve about that and he said he still could, so

Rob Germann

Chris Rodman
I don’t know if I should write down 4-0 or 5-0.

Ray Boeckmann
Well, yeah I won’t vote unless we need to break a tie then. Motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting?


Ray Boeckmann
Bills. Well did you get a chance to look at them, Frannie?

Francis Riedell
Yes I did. I didn’t get a chance on this Wind Stream, or a chance to talk to Cornbelt. The last time I talk to them, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] our meter in Lake View, our gas meter there by the dump, that’s what that is.

Chris Rodman
The way I understand it is they can’t, the telephone company can’t get there.

Francis Riedell
Yeah, it’s not in their zone or wherever you want to call it.

Chris Rodman
I don’t know what that means, but that’s what they told me that they can get there.

Daryl Potthoff
What you mean they can’t get there? Oh…

Chris Rodman
I don’t know. That’s what they told me, they can get there.

Francis Riedell
[UNINTELLIGIBLE] got a boundary or something deal over there that they can’t to cross.

Chris Rodman
I think, Iowa Telecom owned it that for years and they just can’t get in there. I don’t know how that works. ‘Cause I questioned it too. Why would we have, why would we pay those guys when we have a telephone company right here in town?

Francis Riedell

Chris Rodman
It’s at the dump, if-

Daryl Potthoff
…a 665 number-

Chris Rodman
It’s at the dump who, Daryl.

Francis Riedell
That’s the wall lake phone company going over there that’s a 665 number, I don’t know [UNINTELLIGIBLE] a boundary they can cross there. It’s kind of like electrical, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] boundaries and stuff.

Daryl Potthoff

John Morrow
It’s foolish but [UNINTELLIGIBLE] dump.

Chris Rodman
The lake view dump, right south of town that’s where our gas goes from there to WIE. So they got a phone line over there they call to find out what the meter reads.

Francis Riedell
This actually went up $10.00 from what it normally was.

Ray Boeckmann
So it costs $74.00 to read the meter?

Chris Rodman

Francis Riedell
They call it about daily I think if I remember right.

Chris Rodman
That could be.

Daryl Potthoff
That’s once a month, every month?

Chris Rodman
That we pay that? Yes.

Francis Riedell

Ray Boeckmann
Any other questions on it?

John Morrow
Why do we have those three highlighted is that some-

Francis Riedell
They’re added on just-

John Morrow

Ray Boeckmann
Okay from earlier.


John Morrow
When we deferred that Wayne Christiansen bill from last time on that well, I left him a message and I don’t know if he’s just not going to call me back.

Francis Riedell
Wanna still defer it again then, till he gets-

John Morrow
Well that’s my opinion, defer it, but. I told him that was blocking payment of the bill until he called me. It can [UNINTELLIGIBLE]

Ray Boeckmann
It’s not on there now is it?

No it’s not-

John Morrow
No it’s not on there, but I thought I’d bring up again since I’m, since I’m messing with it. The other thing is did you read all the small print at the bottom of these things?

Chris Rodman
No I don’t remember that I did.

John Morrow
All this stuff? Well I can’t, well I can’t really read it.

Chris Rodman
Does it just tell what they did?

John Morrow
Well, they were here on the 13th, is that right?

Chris Rodman
I, I said yeah. That was the Tuesday that that he asked me at 11:00 in the morning if they could come in the afternoon when we got billed from 7:00 in the morning.

John Morrow
Now this email was at 10:28.

Chris Rodman

John Morrow
On the 13th.

Chris Rodman
And it says can we come this afternoon and pull the pump out of the well?

John Morrow
Yeah and then that-

Chris Rodman
And they start the billing at seven thirty or seven

John Morrow
Well then why are we billed on the 14th and the 15th? Did they come back and do more stuff?

Chris Rodman
On the 14 they were here yeah. That’s the day they were scheduled to come in, but they did, like on the 13th they pulled the pump out of there and, and dug the gravel out of the bottom, I believe.

John Morrow

Chris Rodman
And then on the 14th they did whatever it is that they do to clean the well.

Camera it.

Chris Rodman
They have a guy camera it, oh OK.

John Morrow
Did they ever run the brush down it? We already had a camera(ed), why did we camera it again?

Francis Riedell
He didn’t know, he didn’t think it would be feasible to run the brush down, that was kind of the consensus from the guy that was standing there anyway, all their people anyway.

John Morrow
Feasible for what reason?

Francis Riedell
Well they figured if they run the brush down, if they knock that, any more of that lose, all it was going to do is send a more rock and gravel into the well, and they’re concerned that it-

John Morrow
Isn’t that what we wanted?

Francis Riedell
If we get too much and there than it’s, you know, the [UNINTELLIGIBL] cost of the-

Rob Germann

Francis Riedell
Re-lining it, they said the cost of re-lining it, you still wouldn’t-

John Morrow
Well my question is why do we have and do anything then?

Francis Riedell
Well that’s-

Rob Germann
They had to go that far to see what was there.

John Morrow
They what?

Rob Germann
They had to camera it to see what was there.

John Morrow
They already had a film. We had a camera MSA camera.

Rob Germann
I know, and you’re the one that told them there wasn’t a hole there so they went down with their own Camera and looked at it.

John Morrow
That’s not what I told ‘em. I ask them specifically if they could brush it and then camera it. This was Terry, this guy. I didn’t tell them to camera it [UNINTELLIGIBL] I told them to brush it and then camera it to see if it was, if there was something wrong with a well. [UNINTELLIGIBL] you know this well isn’t new [UNINTELLIGIBL] we were dumping 55 gallon barrels and acid down there and running a plunger up and down for 15, 20 years. Of course there’s going to be some rocks in it.

Francis Riedell
We’ll the rocks are just because of the screen, the cavitation in the screens and the holes in the screens where the rocks are coming in at.

John Morrow
You know that?

Rob Germann
That was their consensus, that’s why they didn’t brush it [UNINTELLIGIBL].

Daryl Potthoff
[UNINTELLIGIBL] to make it work.

Francis Riedell
We figure they took at least 2 foot of rock out of the bottom

John Morrow
So they showed you guys the hole-

Francis Riedell
They got better than a 5 gallon pail of rocks they dug out of the bottom of it.

Daryl Potthoff
How big a rock?

Francis Riedell
Well, they were, pretty good size. They was like pea rock and stuff like that.

Ray Boeckmann
Was it inch rock or bigger?

Francis Riedell
No it wasn’t [UNINTELLIGIBL] inch, but it was, you know stuff you wouldn’t expect to be down at the bottom of a well.

John Morrow
All right, you know, I don’t care. I know what I said to ‘em. I know what I told ‘em, I know what they didn’t do so I’m never voting for the bill, but you guys probably have to pay it sooner or later any way. We’ll let that-

Ray Boeckmann
We’ll hold off on it yet though.

John Morrow
Yeah I’d just as soon talk to the guy [UNINTELLIGIBL].

Ray Boeckmann
Is this the final contract, bill for the number one too?


Francis Riedell
It’s final.

Ray Boeckmann
You got a break this year, [UNINTELLIGIBLE].

Daryl Potthoff
[UNINTELLIGIBL] street studies, that’s what that is?

Chris Rodman
That’s part of it, yeah.

Daryl Potthoff
[UNINTELLIGIBL] completed?

Chris Rodman
No we’re still waiting for the map to be found. We don’t know where that’s at, and I don’t know of anybody’s gotten anywhere with a map.

Francis Riedell
A map of the new addition up here or-

Chris Rodman
What I need is a map of the water and sewer of Schroeder second addition so Dave can figure out where to hook on at, and I’ve called up three or four people and nobody has it. I did not get a hold of Birtus yet, so there’s one more that I could call.

Daryl Potthoff
You’d have maybe everything that we did in the last addition, which you’re going to be hooking up to that stuff anyway.

Chris Rodman
That’s what, that’s what I’m talking about, second addition

John Morrow

Chris Rodman
Where that new house is going up right now.

Daryl Potthoff
Because he put all of that in didn’t he?

John Morrow
Healy did it.

Daryl Potthoff
Yeah he did

John Morrow
He put all the sewer [UNINTELLIGIBL] he put the water in for sure.

Francis Riedell
The engineer should have all that information to shouldn’t he?

Chris Rodman
Yeah, he doesn’t.

John Morrow
That’s that Able or-

Chris Rodman
Bob, Abiuldas maybe? I don’t know what his last name is for sure, but I called him twice now and

John Morrow
He’s from-


Chris Rodman

Ray Boeckmann

John Morrow
Well I remember he did the DNR approval after we already put it in, I recall that but. So maybe he, I would assume that he would have had to have a map or something that-

Chris Rodman
I would think that too. I, I will call Birtus though and see what I can get there.

Fr –
[UNINTELLIGIBLE] pretty hard because as was the engineer, that was his, that should’ve been his baby-

Chris Rodman
He was the guy that engineered it.

Francis Riedell
As far as I know he was.

John Morrow
I’m almost positive he was the guy that got the DNR approval for the sewer. I’m more than positive. Now, Birtus lined this guy up.

Chris Rodman

John Morrow
And I know he’s got the street maps down there ‘cause I pulled them out and looked at ‘em one time, and whether he’s got, whether there were any maps for water and sewer I don’t know.

Rob Germann
Who has street maps Birtus or Able?

John Morrow
Birtus had the street maps [UNINTELLIGIBLE] what happened with the street by his house there when you did that drain, that storm drain, we had the maps down there someplace, pulled them out. ‘cause the conversation was you know we have this big long map, its 600 foot that street and that little dip was like a foot and ½. Well when you’re looking at that 600 foot, that foot and a half doesn’t look like a dip.


John Morrow
So it looked like a lot bigger dip then it looked like on the map. Anyway.

Ray Boeckmann
What’s the Smit with the Gas Supply, did we put in a gas line are something?

Francis Riedell
That was up there at Joan Cleaners, they ran a gas line to her house and we had George do some-

Chris Rodman
Had to who bore under the road and so-

Francis Riedell
That’s what that was for.

Ray Boeckmann
Any other questions on any of the bills?

Francis Riedell
Smit about one, two, three, four, five, six from the bottom. That’s what that was for. And Lundell Plastics that was for plastic for dump trucks so the snow slides out this winter.

Ray Boeckmann
Any other questions?


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