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Wall Lake City Council person receives, reads letter from Wall Lake City Clerk’s lawyer regarding harassment and slander complaint

…kind of apologizes.


Morrow and Anderson issue seems to be coming to a head.

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  1. Looks like this council has a greater need for fuzz presence than Sac's.

  2. Wow, Your council meetings are great entertainment!! Sounds like a bunch of kids!! Grow Up!! Thought the council was to better the community. It sure doesn't look like it.

  3. how embarrassing! Wall Lake needs to change some of their "long term" council persons, especially this one! he's always been this way, really, just STOP!

  4. 11/3 8:11PM,

    I disagree. The vocal members of this community you see represented, (There is a group numbering 150ish people by my estimation,) are very irate with their city clerk. They want her to resign or for the council to fire her, neither action of which seems is going to happen any time soon.

    Councilperson Morrow seems to be sort of the advocate on the council for that group of people who want the clerk gone and so appears to be doing his duty as their representative by continuing to illustrate what is said by some of the people in the community to be the clerk's weaknesses... weaknesses that in the opinion of some, seems to warrant a discontinuation of the clerk's services.

    In my opinion, given the level of citizen unrest regarding this issue, this is probably going as smoothly as it would in any other community and all of the people involved seem to be treating this with the level of seriousness that it deserves.

    Just because there's some back and forth, it doesn't mean they are acting like children. It means they are actually trying to work out what is best for the community and find some resolution.

  5. Ah, you missed my point, am certainly not defending their clerk or her competency, i think they are on the right track there. although that city SURE does rotate through their clerks/managers!

    My comment was that Mr. Morrow has always been a douchebag to everyone. i have no problem with him questioning the competency of the clerk, but his approach has always been poor. In my opinion, He belittles and talks down to most everyone, including myself. There are better ways to treat people and resolve problems. i believe that is what the councilmen towards the very end of the clip is getting at.

  6. HMMMMMM sounds like to me Curtis, that the women in the city office are commenting on your site...BECAUSE they are the only ones in this town that feels that way! John Morrow is the ONLY one on the council that has the balls to call a spade a spade!! They are both incompetent,rude and unprofessional!!! I can agree that our council for the exception of John and the mayor...ALL NEED TO GO!!!!

  7. A DOUCHBAG???? Watch this video again and call the right one a douchbag! It is NOT John! I agree that this is giving Wall lake a bad name, but obviously you have never had to go into this office and TRY to get any help in something pretaining to the city! Because if you have, you wouldnt feel the way you are implying on here. As for wouldnt be, if some council members wouldnt look down at the table all the time! Makes me wonder what is on the tabletop that is so facinating!!!

  8. Wow! John really is an amazing person. I can't believe he's still on the council. Go Marlene!!
