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Supervisors Review Corrective Action Plan for Sac/Ida Case Management

Lisa Bethune from the Sac County point Coordinator (CPC) visited with the Sac County Supervisors about the Case Management Survey conducted by the state. (See documentation) The results of this survey determine for how long, if at all, and organization can be granted accreditation by the State of Iowa to continue operating.

The Sac and Ida Counties Case Management achieved a score that will allow them to apply for the maximum accreditation time period of three years. The accreditation will start on January 18, 2010 and will be good for 3 years.

The CPC provides case management for 2 clients that are mentally ill, and 47 clients that are considered mentally retarded, (MR).

Though they performed well in the survey, the following corrective action plan was issued.

ICP = Individual Care Plan: A treatment plan that indicates what the consumer’s goals and objectives are for the year. It includes how case management and the other providers are going to help the consumers meet those goals.

Bridge to be replaced on M43

propose bridge replacement map
The following is a Federal Aid Agreement that the Sac County Supervisors entered into on November 10, 2009 to replace a bridge on M43 north of D15.

East Sac County Checks For Payment

The following Checks for Payment were approved by the Sac CSD Board on November 16, 2009:
Eas Sac County Checks or payment p1Eas Sac County Checks or payment p2Eas Sac County Checks or payment p3