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LIVE EVENT: July 7, 2011 Sac City Library Board Meeting

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July 7, 2011 East Sac County PTO Meeting agenda

PTO Agenda 7-7-11

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what was my mom's final thought as she stared at the gun in her face? #swansontrial

You can read all of the powerful live coverage of the victim impact statements from today's Swanson trial here:!/search/%23swansontrial

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June 27, 2011 Wall Lake City Council Meeting

Approval of agenda

Approval of the minutes
- Spelling correction needed

Discussion and approval of bills to be paid

Discussion about how much is charged for recycling bins

What was the extra police services for?
- There was a fight there for the last two years

Discussion about natural gas bill

We are billed for our demand

Councilors direct the Clerk to prepare a presentation about the cost of natural gas

Approval of payment of bills

Discussion of year end transfers

-John Morrow sent out to get the reports

Discussion about meter costs
- What the $5,300 dollars will be spent on.
-- Transitioning between the old and the new software

Discussion about the well project

Discussion about using rural water
- Before you hook onto rural water, think about it because then you are stuck.
- You can’t apply for grants because you already have a viable source, and they can do whatever they want with the rates.

More information is pending from a Snyder and Associates engineer regarding the well project

Discussion about wastewater generator
- No new information to report.

Discussion about the Cookie’s project
- It is all done.
- Turned out really good

John Morrow re-enters room and is updated by the clerk

Clerk’s Report

A CD came due on June 26 for bond interest.
- Will cash it and put it into the general fund.
- Is for $18,711.33, which will cover the $18,062 that needs to be transferred into the debt service fund.

Review of fund balances and approval of year end transfers
- $22,653.25 from the tax increment financing fund into the debt service fund.
- $24,067.84 from the general fund to the debt service fund.

Addition to bills to be paid
- $9,849.40. This is an expenditure to debt service and a revenue to electric fund for the tax Increment Financing certificate.
- $12,805.85. This is an expenditure to debt service and a revenue to the water fund for the tax Increment Financing certificate.

Continued approval of year end transfers
- Approval of transfer of $100,000 from electric and $100,000 from the water fund into the general fund.

Discussion about purchasing extra variable voltage transformers
- Transformer went out at Koster Grain
- Council takes no action.

Review of the City’s electrical inspection results
- 6 of the 8 items are due to cable TV, which will no longer be a problem after fiber op is installed.
- 1 item is due to a pole that is already being addressed
- 1 item is due to the following: there are 6 areas of town, and the electrical supervisor, due to lack of guidance and through no fault of his own, inspected the wrong area of town, and therefore got behind.

Discussion about the swimming pool boiler
- There is a daily complaint about the pool being cold.
- This is the result of a boiler that is not working properly.
-- A portion of it is rotted out.
--- This may be due to the use of chlorine pellets.

$6,005.00 would buy a boiler that is comparable to the size that is now.
$3,960.00 would buy a boiler that may do the job, but nobody knows for sure.

The council approved the purchase of a new boiler with a spending limit of $7,000.00 to accommodate the possibility that they will need the bigger one.

Austin Hartman gets a $1.00 raise
- From $9.00 to $10.00 per hours

Discussion about renting the airport hanger stalls.
- They will cost $100.00 per month on a first come first serve basis.
Approved unanimously.

Approval of liquor License or Farm Festival

Approval of Building Permits

Dispute between neighbors about length of lawn, trees
- Councilor suggests that the city mow the lawn and trim the trees and bill both citizens

Motion to adjourn dies for lack of second

Review of job advertisement
- City to advertise for replacement of accounting position in the city office

Discussion about employee health plan

Discussion about streets that need fixed


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Christine Drey resigned from #earlyia Library, #maryfeilmeier is filling the position of director at this time

Early Iowa library is looking to perhaps share directors with neighboring communities.

Early Iowa library has books and DVDs for sale right now.

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#escraiders softball team beat South Central Calhoun 7-1 on June 29, 2011 @ #walllakeia

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#escraiders softball team beat Prairie Valley 12-5 on June 27, 2011 @ Prairie Valley

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#escraiders softball team beat Manson North-West Webster 13-3 on June 24, 2011 @ #walllakeia

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#escraiders baseball team lost to Ridge View 8-0 on June 30, 2011 @ #saccityia

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#escraiders baseball team beat South Central Calhoun 5-4 on June 29, 2011 @ #saccityia

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#escraiders baseball team beat Prairie Valley 15-0 on June 27, 2011 @ Prairie Valley

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Free pork burgers at Sac City Drug's open house on July 8 from 11:00Am to 1:00PM

Free gift for the first 50 customers through the door.

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#eastsac PTO meeting to be held tonight at Sac City Cattleman's at 6PM

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