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Sac City Council to add full time employee

Sac City Council could be looking at hiring as many as seven more total full time employees under current reasoning held by Brenny and Johnston.


Before this begins, in a discussion after the meeting, I promised Bill Brenny and Mayor Barb Powell that I would reveal the results of my research regarding what number of full time employees seem to be normal, (the everyone else is doing it theory)

I called every city on the cover of the Heartland Directory and surveyed all of the city clerks and city administrators that answered the phone. What I found was that on average, the cities in our area have 1 full time equivalent maintenance employee for every 418 citizens. Sac City has 1 FTE maintenance employee for every 525 citizens. (I estimated 2,100 people for Sac City.) Adding one FTE maintenance employee will bring Sac City right into line with what the average of the surrounding cities have, (about 1 for every 420.)

1. Personnel committee will not make a recommendation to the council.
2. City has the same infrastructure.
3. Brenny suggests that the city is short seven employees and recommends hiring a full time employee.
4. Frohardt suggests looking at ways to use a time management system before taking the step of hiring a full time employee.
5. Johnston talks about the difficulty with scheduling non-maintenance employees.
6. Ledford weighs in on Frohardt’s side saying that there is an opportunity to structure water employee’s time in such a way that would allow them to work for the maintenance department.
7. Johnston suggests that the city needs another full time employee.

8. Sac City Council debates the viability of saving money by utilizing Tom Crabb’s skills for the maintenance department and hiring a part time person to do the mowing.

9. Powell points out that the city is paying the current employees “a lot” of overtime.

10. Scheffler advocates for added help.
- Issue of overtime discussed.
11. What is the liability for minors using equipment.
12. Brenny makes the motion to hire full time maintenance person.
13. Vote passes 3 – 2 with Frohardt and Frederick nay.
14. Ledford insists that it is not a “done deal” that Hoffard will be hired.
15. Ledford and Bloes discuss value of employee benefits/entry level pay for laborer I position.

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes All Rights Reserved

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