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ESC students graduating with 20 – 30 college credits

…High School Principal Report


1. College level classes a success.
2. Reading Plus program.
3. It has been a great first semester.
- First day of second semester will be on January 17, 2011
4. Anger management program.

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  1. Let's back up. How does our East Sac County students even get to high school and not be able to read. We have a problem with our grade school teachers who are not teaching our students to READ. And then are told by our administration to pass them on to next grade anyway.

  2. Let's back up and READ what was written, it says that it is a program for students who struggle with reading, it says nothing about kids not knowing how to read. The problem is not with the school teachers but with parents who believe that they have no responsibility in teaching their kids how to read.
