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Minutes of the August 25, 2011 Sac Community Center Board Meeting

Sac Community Center
Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, August 25, 2011
5:00 p.m.

The regular monthly meeting of the Sac Community Center Board of Directors, rescheduled from August 18, 2011, was called to order at 5:27 p.m., on August 25, 2011, by Jim Bullock, President, at the Sac Community Center. Other board members present included Mike Vauble, Sammie Bruce, and Brent Wilhelm. Chelsea Bengford, Director and Curtis Bloes were also present. Lucas Burrington, Teresa Bruening, and Barb Bloes were absent. There were no conflicts of interest to report.

Secretary’s Report
A motion was made by Sammie and seconded by Mike that the minutes from the July 28, 2011 meeting be approved. Ayes all. Motion Carried.

There was no correspondence to report.

Financial Report
The financial report was reviewed. At this time Chelsea noted that since she made a deposit at the end of the month, it did not show on this financial report. Mike made a motion to approve the July financial report. Brent seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried. The bills were reviewed. Chelsea noted that she had to replace some cables for the weight machine and that ended up costing a little over $200.00 and she plans to replace a couple more as a precaution. She also noted that the Frontier bill should be back to where it is supposed to be, since the last couple of months it has been different because of credits. Brent made a motion to approve the bills. Sammie seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried. Mike made a motion to approve a check to the Summer Rec program for their part of the MidAmerican donation in the amount of $764.00. Sammie seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried. Mike made a motion to approve paying the petty cash in the amount of $70.30. Brent seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried. Chelsea reported that there were no monetary donations, but some employees from the Farmer’s Coop were here to help with some jobs around the building, which was very much appreciated.

Chelsea reported that we currently have 211 cumulative members for the year. At this time last year we had 195 memberships.

Chelsea gave an update on the ongoing programs: Youth Football is underway and numbers are up slightly, with 18 out for flag and 23 out for padded. Chelsea noted that she did have to order a good amount of equipment because the team has a lot of smaller sized kids, but the registration fees should cover the equipment purchased. Chelsea also said that she plans to have pickleball on either Monday or Tuesday evenings beginning in October, with an “orientation night” the end of September.

Special Events/Fund Raisers
The Family Halloween party was discussed. Mike suggested having business sponsors and also said that the Men’s Club is planning to help with supplies. Mike also said that he got some small prizes already. Chelsea shared the amount she had in mind that we may spend on supplies for games and prizes, with $250.00 being a suggested budget. Sammie made a motion to approve the $250.00 amount for prizes and supplies. Mike seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried.

The board discussed the west doors/windows project. Chelsea reported that she checked into getting a temporary raffle license so we can raffle off some memberships to raise money for the windows/doors project, and there were three options: 14-day, 90-day, and 2 years. After discussion, Mike made a motion to get the 90-day license. Brent seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried. The board felt that we will not need to go ahead with the “selling” a window if the raffle goes well. The mats for the weight room were discussed. Chelsea gave an approximate measurement of the room and at the cost of the mats from Bomgaars, she thought it would be around $1,040.00. Jim said maybe Bomgaars would be willing to discount them if we are purchasing so many. The board also thought that it would take a couple days to paint the room and put the mats in with the help of volunteers. Chelsea next reported that the dumpster behind the building needs to be repaired, as the bottom is rusted. She said the city offered to deliver it to Sac City Metal Works, but we will need to pay for the repair, which the cost is unknown at this time. Jim suggested that there be holes in the bottom for water to run out. Sammie made a motion to go ahead and get the dumpster repaired. Mike seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried.

Chelsea reported that she spoke with Colleen Swanger from Danz 501 and Colleen would like to rent the conference room every month for some of her classes. Chelsea said the hours were comparable to when it was rented by Just For Kix several years ago, at $150/month. After discussion, Mike made a motion to charge Colleen $150/month for the rental of the conference room. Brent seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried. The board discussed meeting times and quorums. It has been difficult to get a quorum the last couple of months and it was suggested that maybe we could change the by-laws or meeting times to make it work better. It was also suggested that there be a minimum number of times a board member can miss a meeting. Chelsea will check into all of these things and it will be discussed at the next meeting. Jim also suggested that Chelsea e-mail the board what the process is in order to change by-laws. Chelsea reported that Natalie has a good number of personal training clients and participants in the Tone N Tighten class, and it seems to all be going well. The board discussed briefly the “Healthiest State Initiative,” but everyone agreed that after looking over the website there is still more information to come out about it. The number of director evaluations every year was discussed briefly. Jim suggested that we may be able to add this to the by-laws also and it will be discussed again after Chelsea finds out more about the process of amending the by-laws. At the request of Chelsea to go into closed session, Brent made a motion to go into closed session under Iowa Code Chapter 21.5 i, for the Director’s performance evaluation. Mike seconded the motion. Ayes all. Motion carried. After exiting the closed session and there being no further business, a motion was made by Sammie and seconded by Mike that the meeting be adjourned. Ayes all. Motion carried.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for September 15, 2011, at 5:00 p.m., at the Sac Community Center.
Respectively Submitted,
Chelsea Bengford, Secretary

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