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VIDEO – Sac City Council gives department heads 2% raise


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  1. I hope Sandy Tellinghuisen didn't get a raise. She acts like it it pain in the b--- to get up out of her chair to wait on you when you pay for your utilities. I think she forgets the people of Sac City are paying her salary. She works for us. And what a negiative attitude she has.

  2. Well, you may have your issues with Sandy... I've personally never had a problem with the service she gives.

    Bob Scheffler on the other hand... I guess Jim Johnston, Bill Brenny, and Gary Hansen think they should reward him for his whining all year long.

    Based on the state of Sac City's sewers, streets, and his failure to 1. leave the cemetery fence up, and 2. fix it, it is my opiniion that the City of Sac City will be much better off when this man finally retires.

    A raise indeed. Brenny, Johnston, and Hansen have their heads up their own asses. What a trio of money wasting asshats.

    I hope somebody with actual conservative values and who has the taxpayers in mind when they vote is able to take Brenny's seat at the next election.

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  4. WOW isn't amazing you trash the 3 council people that actually work for a living. The other two live off the government and I believe we are all paying taxes so those two can sit and do nothing all day. Plus I now one gets his health insurance paid for also by guess who? the taxpayers!!!!

  5. Sc,

    Me: Attack the horrible job that three irresponsible dipshits on the council are doing.

    You: Conduct a attack on the personal finances of the other two council members that in no way pertains to the discussion at hand.

    ...and I'm the one "trashing" people? Please!

    You, my very good friend and long time fan, may actually be an idiot.

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  7. We all know who the idiot is all you have to do is read the sac news. I am no fan or especially friend of yours and never will be. You are the picture of everything that is wrong with society these days. You are always the one bitching about our tax dollars and the two council people mentions are the biggest complainers on the council. I am just pointing out the 2 biggest complainer are also the biggest takers of tax dollars, sounds hypocritical to me. They take all they can but bitch when someone else does. If this city council sits on their butts and doesn't start planning for the future which means spending money(tax dollars)the whole town is going to suffer. Sac City is without a doubt the most conservative town in the county.

  8. SC, OIC wut u did thar. LOL

    SC - TSN and the people who volunteer for and support Inc are the people that would like to see our leaders fix what is wrong with the policies that were enacted by people like your buddies on the council.

    It is impossible to spend your way to prosperity, plain and simple. It is what you want to do, and I challenge you to drop the personal attacks against me and write in and defend that. I seriously doubt that you can.

    Had it not been for the policies in times past that mimic what irresponsible people like Bill Brenny, Jim Johnston, and Gary Hansen want to continue to implement, Sac City would be easily getting ready to annex up to Shirley Phillips folly as we speak. Instead, they spent all of our money in an attempt to "grow" (Whatever that even means to people like you.... a guess would be expanding the size of government? you tell me.)

    Hopefully, you and people who share your destructive and wrongheaded mindset will not be able to keep irresponsible spenders like Bill Brenny and Gary Hansen on the council when the next election comes around. Hopefully, a person who will spend the limited money we taxpayers allow them to have in a responsible manner will take that seat.

    ...Raises for city employees when we are facing 2 million+ in infrastructure costs north of town just to replace the businesses that will be lost when we are bypassed. If nickel and diming that money away on employee raises and trees for the center of Main Street are central features of the kind of twisted spending that is to come, we are doomed.

  9. Everybody will be expected to sacrifice except for government employees??? Remind you of anyone much???

  10. When you stop personal attacks on people I will stop mine. But I'll bet you can't it's your nature to be a bully and belittle people of authority.

  11. SC,
    Your amazing, "I know you are but what am I?" approach to debate gives me the giggles.

  12. ...and makes it clear to everyone reading that your wrongheaded approach to spending is indefensible.

  13. Look at all the department heads,i don't think anyone of them is hurting for money,even if there insurance is going up.use that money for improvments to the city not the over paid city heads and employes.

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  15. Why can't City employees start paying for some of their own insurance just like the rest of us has to?

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