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Joint WLVA and Sac school boards designate home fields for baseball, softball

…School board member questions field maintenance procedures


1. Why isn’t the school using the football field in Sac City
- Sands concerned that the field will deteriorate if not used.
- Junior high programs will use the field.
- It is not the intent of the school that the field will not be used.
- According to Superintendent, it is not planned to let it turn back into a pasture.
2. What will happen to the softball field in Sac City if not used?
- Sands concerned that the field will deteriorate if not used.
- Junior high programs will use the field.
- Community little league will use the field.
- It is not the intent of the school that the field will not be used.
- It will only deteriorate if no one takes care of it.
- According to Superintendent, it is not planned to let it turn back into a pasture.

3. What will happen to the baseball field in Wall Lake if not used?
- Sands concerned that the field will deteriorate if not used.
- It is not the intent of the school that the field will not be used.
- It will only deteriorate if no one takes care of it.
- According to Superintendent, it is not planned to let it turn back into a pasture.
4. The main efforts will go into maintaining the varsity fields.
- Why would you put a press box in a junior high field when they aren’t going to use it?
5. Phillips suggests that the community could donate to upgrade community.
6. Rodman suggests that because the board is making decisions based on the needs of the children, than it is time to designate home fields.
- Will make it easier for other school to keep straight at which field they are supposed to play.
- Students are asking for home fields.
7. Brotherton talks about the need for compromise and adjustment.
8. Bellcock asks if the fields will be switched from year to year.
- nope.
9. Athletic director talks about the ease of scheduling that will happen as a result of designating home fields.
10. Sac board approves home fields, Wall Lake for softball, Sac City for baseball.
- Sands opposed.
11. WLVA board approves home fields, Wall Lake for softball, Sac City for baseball.

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