The 7th grade volleyball team took on the Titans on Thursday, September 23 in Sac City.
The A team remains undefeated by winning all 3 games 21-3, 21-6, and 15-4.
Lexi Wilson and Lexie Berry led the team in serving. Lexi W. completed 16 of 17 serves with 3 aces and Lexie B. completed 11 out of 14 with 10 aces.
Heidi Meischeid helped the team at the net by completing 3 out of 3 attacks with 1 kill. Heidi also helped in the serving department by completing all 10 serves with 6 aces.
The B team also won all 3 games to remain undefeated this season 21-7, 21-13, and 15-9.
Kendal Herrig led the team at the serving line with 20 out of 22 serves completed and 9 aces.
Brooke Skirvin also served well completing all 7 serves with 2 aces.
Hannah Degner led the team at the net with 1 kill out of 2 attempts.
The C team was victorious taking 2 out of the 3 games 21-9, 21-17, and 11-15.
Dijanna Hammond led the team in serving with 14 out of 15 serves completed and 10 aces.
Jordyn Anderson also served well completing 12 out of 14 serves and 6 aces.
Taylor Bohm, Emma Mortensen, and Dijanna Hammond all had one attack completed at the net.

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