These are not quotes.
1. Those can be up to $250 dollars per student per semester.
2. Special Ed Student on the SAVE program discussed.
2a. Every one of those kids have graduated and gone on to be employed.
3. How many open enrolled students are in ESC?
4. The student who was at Sioux City Boys and Girls rejoins ESC.
1. Medicaid student’s payments
2. Gen Ed Student in physiological evaluation program.
3. Reimbursements discussed
4. Region XII transportation services for 45 days
5. Sac students open enrolled to WLVA
6. Mileage reimbursement for substitute nurse.
Sac Board refuses to pay transportation costs for Rabiner student
1. Shirley Phillips takes on Rabiner Ranch expense challenge.
2. ...they were not aware that they were getting soaked for $164 per day for transportation.
3. This is absolutely outrageous.
4. I would agree to Sac paying for the tuition but not the transportation.
5. $36,000 in fees for a student that is no longer living in district.
6. No response from principal at Rabiner, no response from parent.
7. Still no emails from Rabiner in spite of weekly emails.
8. Thanks to Shirley, she's helping to track it down on the transportation side.
9. I'll fight this with those court people.
10. Maybe we shouldn't pay the bill.
11. I've never been a fan of Rabiner and in my opinion we shouldn’t pay them until they provide us with progress reports.
12. We had no input in the placement of those kids.
13. We haven't been able to find his father either.
14. I called a 662 number that was supposed to be the stepmom.
15. Recommendation to only approve payment of tuition to Rabiner Ranch.
1.WLVA consent items approved
2. Dave S. question about audit report.
3. Brent W. question about general operating fund.
3a. Dave S. question: how long to you think we need to pay that?
4. Brent W. question about breakfast/lunch report.
4a. food service does not like a substantial balance.
4b. …quotes regarding the purchase of a freezer.
5. Doors in Sac Elementary specs discussed.
5a. …not one has been closed all winter.
1. …this year the bids on band doors were $5,000 cheaper.
2. Sac consent items approved.

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