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Viewer wonders if editor is power tripping

I am just wondering why some comments were posted and THEN removed? Why post them to begin with? Is it a power thing, to show that you can do it? This childish mudslinging doesn't seem to be getting anyone anywhere, does it? And it will not change a thing. What a waste of time.

All comments are posted. Comments that break one of the rules are then removed.
...TSN reserves the right to waste the time of any of its employees or volunteers without regard to impact.
Curtis Bloes

Copyright (c)2007-2011 Inc. All Rights Reserved

Comments :
1. Keep it civil and stay on topic.
2. Some profanity will be allowed if deemed editorially relevant.
3. No harassment of private citizens will be allowed.
4. Criticism and praise of elected officials is encouraged.
5. Any handle that appears to be a real first and last name will be changed to the first name only unless it is a registered handle.
6. If your comment wasn't posted within a few hours, then it was probably deleted.

1 comment:

  1. That's a bunch of crap. I posted a comment on here weeks ago about the process for wage negotiations done within the City and I never saw it posted.
    - Anonymous

    Every comment was published unless it was off topic or alleging something actionable. Until a few weeks ago when comments were removed they disappeared. Now they have that little "comment removed" note.

    If you want me to review your specific comment you can write to and help me identify itijn the archives, at which time I will give you a detailed answer for why it was removed and suggestions for how it could be rewritten to be publishable.
    - Curtis Bloes
