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Wall Lake City Council not to get involved with property dispute

...does discuss it for most of an hour.

1. Eve spout between adjoining businesses is down and water is running into complainant’s roof.
- Clerk confirms eve spout down.
2. Council doesn’t feel it needs to get involved in a property dispute.
3. Council has extended discussion about the specifics of the issue, but doesn’t act.


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1 comment:

  1. fyi, mr germann, i did not scoop snow off my roof onto the trailer and make it collapse. my insurance investigated and both parties' insurance found me not liable. that trailer was a nuisance and the city should've had doc remove that years ago. i do believe i mentioned the trailer to you a few yrs ago(deer heads). suppose i'm to blame for the post office roof collapsing too? do you remember how many FEET of snow and ice we had last winter?
