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Why hasn't the Sac City, Iowa Park Board abandoned Central Park yet?

According to a source within the Sac City, Iowa Park Board, the board has been talking about abandoning Central Park in Sac City, Iowa for nearly five years, and would have officially done so already if it were not for one thing: The gazebo.

The gazebo was built with a REAP grant, which required the structure to remain in place, in "Central Park", for a period of 20 years. The discussion was to abandon the park, and move the gazebo down to Chautauqua park, but there was a clause in the grant that if the structure was removed from Central Park, the city would have to pay back 100% of the grant.

Now, with the park cleaned up due to the combined efforts of Justin Schramm and the contractors hired for the sewer project there is a reason to re-consider Central Park.

The Sac City Park Board will tour the area during the July meeting.

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