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Sac City Council Forum – December 13, 2010

…People blowing snow into street making streets look sloppy


1. No public input on solid waste
2. Snow blown into street.
- Penalties discussed.
3. City employees given attaboys for snow removal.
4. Adjournment.

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  1. What is the difference between people pushing snow in the street or them pushing snow in our driveways ??????????

  2. *like* thats a very valid point.

  3. The city council needs to pull there heads out of there asses and think, no drive around someday after the snow with out forwarning the city crew. And take a look at how much snow is put in the homeowners way because of them. attaboy my ass.

  4. wow......are you people nuts?.....I'm sure every city across the nation cleans all their residents driveways after plowing

  5. I don't normally agree with old fella or whatever he is calling himself these days, but I do in this case. Probably every city that receives snow in the world plows in driveways. How else would they ever be able to clean the street off if they had to spend a couple of extra minutes scooping out the ends of driveways at 1100 properties plus the loss of momentum going down the street?

    Something I've discovered which may help those of you that are frustrated, is that there isn't a plow driver in the world that won't stop and do an extra swipe to clear out the end of your driveway for $5 - $10 bucks.

    Admittedly I have never attempted this in Sac City, but plow drivers are corruptible everywhere else I have ever lived. :)

    All of that said, I do find it kind of hilarious that the maintenance department is primarily worried about what the streets look like during the winter, but then mysteriously stop caring what the streets look like in front of our retail district when the snow stops...

  6. I give a bottle of whiskey to the boys every year and they take care of the end of my driveway. Gotta know how to grease the palms folks, food and/or liquor.

  7. I always have a big mountain to plow through with my car after they clean the street over on park ave because they have blocked my driveway. My driveway was clean by the man that does it and why do I still have to go through a 2 foot barracade to get to the street to go to work.
