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Sac City, Iowa Maintenance Department head blames citizens for cemetery fence

by Curtis Bloes

According to the Sac City Mayor Barb Powell, Bob Scheffler, the head of Sac City’s Maintenance Department, claims that the cemetery fence is not being restored because "People are screaming about potholes"

The city employees who work in the Maintenance department are blaming us for their own failings.


It should be noted that the original answer before the streets came up eight days ago was, “Because it's raining, so there is a lot more mowing to do.”

So just to be clear, though they have had two years to restore a fence, which was taken down without authorization in the first place, the reason the fence wasn’t restored by Memorial Day earlier this as promised is because of the ten-ish people who showed up at a city council meeting eight days ago, mostly to talk about a dilapidated property, by the way.

What a serious bunch of assholes.

...and by the way, it's the broken curbs downtown that people are "screaming" about, not the potholes. (For the record, no voices were raised during the August 9, 2010 Sac City Council meeting.)

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes All Rights Reserved


  1. Maybe we should be like Colorado. Lets turn off the street lights at midnight and tear up our streets and use hot oil and pea gravel instead. then A.L., N.F., J. F. could say they are saving us tax money

  2. Leadership starts at the TOP, City Administrator first, then the Maintenance Foreman. I don't feel the fence is a high priority unless they take it down to save more deer from dying. Sell the darn fence and put up safer one. The potholes need to be fixed.
