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Wall Lake city council puts off decision to go 100% radio read on utility meters

WALL LAKE, IOWA – MAY 23, 2011

At a previous city council meeting city clerk Chris Rodman was asked to research and then present to the council the potential cost savings of migrating all gas and water meters to a 100% radio read system. Currently electrical meters are already in the process of being migrated over to the electrical read system.

According to Rodman the cost of each new gas meter would be $55.00 apiece for a total of $13,970. This would represent a minimal saving as the gas meters currently place are new.

For the water meters the cost of migrating those would depend on how many new meters are already in place because the cost of migrating those new meters to radio read would only be $55.00. The cost of migrating older water meters would be $125. According to Rick Hoppe there are 200 new meters and 30 old meters which means that the combined cost of updating all of those meters would be $39,750.

By consensus the council decided to hold off on making a decision and to revisit the issue at a unspecified future date.

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Curtis Bloes - Editor