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City of wall Lake, Iowa to install more security cameras

WALL LAKE, IOWA – MAY 23, 2011

Based on recent complaints of wrongdoing at the city park the city council has expressed the desire to put more cameras in both the city park and at the swimming pool. These cameras which would be run to central DVR which would allow city employees to verify any reports they may receive.

Because of the nature of the system phone lines would have to be run to both locations.

Both mayor Druivenga and the pool manager would like to see two cameras installed at the pool; one to watch the pool area and the second camera to watch the first camera since there is a danger that it could be disabled from behind. Councilor Rob Germann went even further and suggested that the five empty DVR slots could be utilized in combination between the park and the swimming pool.

By consensus the city clerk was directed to get a cost estimate from Cornbelt Telephone.

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Curtis Bloes - Editor