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Sac County Supervisors set hearing to discuss drainage in wetland area


1. Greg Villegas of Kuehl and Payer appears before the supervisors to discuss concerns over drainage districts 2 and 51.
- 2 and 51, a portion of which is just south of the bypass north of Lytton.
2. Supervisors express confusion over the intentions of the landowners to run a private line through those districts.
3. The big concern about running a drainage line in that area is the adjacent wetlands.
- Taking water out of the wetlands is not allowed.
- A determination needs to be made before work on the line can begin.
-Rick Hecht disputes this, saying that as soon as the petition to install the line was approved, the owners can begin.
-- Villegas questions whether the petition and approval of a tile investigation in the same are becoming mixed up.
--- The supervisors state the need for the presence of the drainage district record keeper.
---- Unable to appear due to a court appearance.
4. Villegas and the Supervisors determine that the confusion may be happening due to another project in the same area.
5. Owners may still have the ability to drain into a main on the west side of N28.
6. Do they have the ability to take water out of the wetlands and dump into the same district?
7. Supervisors set informational hearing for January 25, 2010 1:30pm.

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