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Sac County Sheriff's Department leaves TSN off list for Ealey death investigation update

A couple of minutes ago, TSN received the following Google alert from the KCIM website.

It seems that TSN was left off the list to receive this information. A dispatcher I contacted at phone number 712 662 7127 at 7:46PM on December 8, 2010 named Cindy at the Sac County Sheriff's office so that this situation could be corrected suggested that I call back in the morning and would not put me in touch with the duty officer. As this will be nearly 16 hours after it is reported elsewhere, I do not find this acceptable and I apologize to you, my viewers for not being able to report this information in a more timely manner.

I anticipate comments that may suggest the Sheriff deliberately left TSN off the list and I would highly encourage you to keep in mind while commenting that this may have been a simple mistake.

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes All Rights Reserved

Comments :
1. Keep it civil and stay on topic.
2. Some profanity will be allowed if deemed editorially relevant.
3. No harassment of private citizens will be allowed.
4. Criticism and praise of elected officials is encouraged.
5. Any handle that appears to be a real first and last name will be changed to the first name only unless it is a registered handle.
6. If your comment wasn't posted within a few hours, then it was probably deleted.


  1. Not so much a mistake as a "neglect"?? He's probably trying to keep anymore bad publicity out of the real "local" news! ROCK ON CURTIS AND KEEP DIGGING!!!!!

  2. I'm serious now, folks. When this story was first released, I had to forward the release to the news directors of other organizations because something went wrong with the email.

    The Sac County Sheriff's Department is not very user friendly outside of business hours. It's unfortunate, but those are the shakes. It happens. I'm sure the KCIM story linked in the body of this post isn't leaving out anything that was in the official release.

  3. The article seems to be leaving out some details. No mention of towing the vehicle with him inside, then finding him 2 days later. They are trying to alter the story.

  4. Curtis, we rely on you to keep up the good work. Looks like the Sac County Sheriff's Office simply forgot to keep you up to date.

    And I have a bridge to sell.

    Sometimes thinks happen just as it appears.

    Clearly this whole incident has cast a dark shadow over his office and he is trying to get out of the light.

    Remember: Vote for the Sheriff who will rescue you in a snowstorm!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Is it really such a stretch that if Curtis had to forward the message on to other news directors because of a problem last time, this time it happened to be TSN that didn't get the message due to server issues?

    FFS, people. I'm sure as hell glad none of YOU are the county sheriff. Waiting for all of the facts is a completely foreign concept to far too many people here.

  6. We have a very responsible Sheriff, who is a working sheriff, which our county hasn't always had, if you think the job in law enforcement is all bad, I hope you never have to call for any assistance. So the next time they advise no travel, and you think they don't know what they are talking about,Good Luck! I'm glad you are all so perfect. You must all be anti-law, so don't ever call for help, as you can handle it yourself.

  7. if you would reread the story on it says that the car was towed with him in it and was found 3 days later! maybe you should read the story before you say anything.
