These are not quotes.
1. LVPD Personnel update.
2. Upcoming meetings.
3. Description of meeting about installing sewer in new area.
- The meeting seemed a bit rocky, but one city councilperson said that the person being discussed is just like that.
- In the end, there will be an engineer hired, and a contract hired.
- Make sure that if dewatering needs done, then make sure it’s in the contract.
- Everything he does has to be inspected by the engineer, right?
- We can hire a contractor to run the pipe underneath the road at our expense.
- The difference in lift station verses grinder pump is $7,000.
4. If a 4th person wants to come along and join on, how much will the connection fees be, and who will receive those fees?
- A precedent was set in the past by a private development group that connection fees were $5,000 if customers hooked up on day 1 or twelve years down the line.
- The connection fee never went away.
- He's looking at some concept that's pretty similar to that.
- If there are 5 entities splitting the cost, then if a 6th party decides to join, they would pay one 6th of the total installation cost and that money would either be used to pay back the city for outstanding debt on the project, or divided up between the original 5 entities.
5. In order to receive sewer service, they will have to voluntarily annex.
- We should get our (the city) hook up fee back too.
6. Will turn it over to the attorney to look over.
7. Only an engineer, (Snyder and Associates,) is hired.
- We do have a little leverage with him because he’s already invested a little of his own money.
8. Council revisits the issue of a down tree that was discussed at the beginning of the meeting.
9. Playground equipment goes up on Saturday May 8, 2010.
10. Adjournment.

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