Monday, April 12, 2010
Sac Elementary Board Room
The Boards of Education of the Sac and Wall Lake View Auburn Community School Districts met in joint session on Monday, April 12, 2010 at 6:05 P.M. in the Sac Elementary School Board Room with the following board members present:
SAC: Shirley Phillips, Marti Huser, David Sands, Melissa Bellcock, and Brent Wilhelm.
WLVA: Chuck Brotherton, Shannon Mahannah, Lisa Drost, Jack DeBourgh, and Chris Rodman. Also present for the meeting were Superintendent Barb Kruthoff, Principals Mike Fischer, Dennis Olhausen, and Kevin Litterer, the news media, and 1 visitor.
Joint session was called to order by Presidents Phillips and Brotherton.
Motion by Sands and seconded by Wilhelm to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. WLVA also approved the agenda as presented.
The board reviewed consent items which included minutes of meeting held on March 9th, 16th, 18th, 23rd, 24th, and March 25, 2010, April bills payable totaling $44,083.07, and the March, 2010 monthly financial reports. Motion by Wilhelm and seconded by Huser to approve the consent items as presented. Motion carried 5-0. WLVA also approved their consent items.
Motion by Huser and seconded by Bellcock to approve the 1st semester 2009-2010 East Sac County Shared Expenses Summary Report which showed $440,784.00 that Sac owed to WLVA and $463,234.00 that WLVA owed to Sac and authorize the payment of that amount. Motion carried 5-0. WLVA also approve the payment as presented.
Segna Birkhofer met with the board to review the Reading Plus program which is new for the districts and is being used for some of the freshmen students. She explained how the program works and shared some of the successes she has seen since using the program.
The board heard administrative reports from all three principals. The boards expressed their concerns about student discipline and lack of student respect at the middle school.
Supt. Kruthoff updated the boards on some summer projects and continued cleanup from last summers hail storm and this winters ice storm. She also reported that negotiations are continuing with the teachers associations on insurance issues and they hope to have that resolved soon.
Motion by Huser and seconded by Wilhelm to approve the following resolution: RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Sac Community School District, will levy property tax for fiscal year 2010-2011 for the regular program budget adjustment as allowed under section 257.14, Code of Iowa. Motion carried 5-0. The WLVA board also approved a similar resolution.
Motion by Sands and seconded by Wilhelm to approve and adopt the 2010-2011 proposed school budget for the Sac Community School District as published in the Sac Sun on March 30, 2010 which calls for maximum expenditures of $7,013,218.00 and a tax levy of $12.01730 per thousand . Motion carried 5-0. The WLVA board also approved their budget as published.
Motion by Huser and seconded by Wilhelm to approve Brent Drey, Miriam Free, and Shawna Wiggins to serve as student representatives on the Citizens Advisory Committee. Motion carried 5-0. WLVA approved a similar motion.
Motion by Wilhelm and seconded by Huser to approve the East Sac County At-Risk Plan of Services with changes as discussed. Motion carried 5-0. WLVA also approved the plan. (Copy attached)
Motion by Wilhelm and seconded by Huser to approve the East Sac County Affirmative Action Plan as presented. Motion carried 5-0. WLVA also approved the plan. (Copy attached)
Motion by Sands and seconded by Huser to approve the issuing of teacher contracts for 2010-2011 to the Sac teachers listed on the attached Schedule A. Motion carried 5-0. WLVA also approved the issuing of contracts to the WLVA teachers on that schedule.
Contract renewals for curriculum director and principals for 2010-2011 were discussed. A 3.5% increase in salary/benefits package was recommended. This would match the increase awarded to the teaching staff for 2010-2011. Motion by Wilhelm and seconded by Sands to approve contract renewals for principals Mike Fischer at $74,047.01 and Dennis Olhausen at $75,558.28 for 2010-2011. Motion carried 5-0. The WLVA board approved renewals for Julie Meyer, curriculum director at $16,690.07 and Principal Kevin Litterer at $80,622.85.
The regular May joint board meeting was set for May 17, 2010, at 6:00 P.M. at the Lake View High School Library.
There being no further business, motion by Wilhelm and seconded by Huser to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
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