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Results of the Sac City, Iowa election

Sac City Council - 4 yr
William Brenny - 438 - Win
Teresa Bruening - 431 - 55 - Win
Gary L. Hansen - 377 - Win

Sac City Council - UNEXP 2 yr
Duane T. Huster - 482 - Win

Sac City Mayor - 4 yr
Curtis Bloes - 132
Barbara Powell-Bloes - 377- Win

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  1. Curtis please don't give up and please keep the pressure on!!! You are appreciated by more people than you may know of! I am beginning to think this town will never change. It will continue to die more each year until all that live here are a few retired folks. I some times think that is what the people that run things here want.

    Keep the pressure on,

  2. @A little less hopeful: Almost 26% of the people that voted wanted something more than what we are stuck with in the current leadership. That's a pretty good start.

  3. And most of them are brainwashed morons that should not breed!

  4. And the Barbara Powell -- Bloes supporter says of 25% of Sac City's voters, "And most of them are brainwashed morons that should not breed!"

    ...because her friends are positive like that.

  5. Now that its proven that the majority of people want you to stay out of the city government butt out! Don't like it move see ya no skin off our ass.

  6. Her friends and family are THE most positive people you may ever have the opportunity to be around. She is an amazing woman with a heart of gold whom cares greatly for everyone and everything she has been blessed with. Pray for your enemies as the Lord says. God bless.

  7. If she "cares greatly" for Sac City why is she letting it rot?

  8. Obviously you do not realize that "she" does not have control over private property, nor is "she" the decision maker. You have a City Council and you have property owners who frankly do not care. Even Curtis would have to work within these parameters.

  9. She has good qualities as a person. Caring, loving, praying, all nice verbs, but have very little to do with managing a city. the government is full of "good" people that have no clue how to get things done and/or plan the future for others.

  10. I would like to know how Anonymous know that the property owners that have property that is run down just don't care? There are some of us in this town that don't have a lot of money, I would love to live in the nicest house in town but must settle for what I can afford. I know of some pretty well off land lords that have some crappy houses maybe they are the ones that just don't care.

  11. Having witnessed,and accurately reported the outcomes of over 400 governmental meetings, I understand how to craft an agenda to compel the council into discussing a topic, meeting after meeting, until they take action. (It's called "Old Business" and it's not exactly rocket science and it's not rare, but Mayor doesn't use it because it seems like the Mayor prefers to avoid the accountability to which this would lead.)

    There is no reason that The old shoe store, the old boot repair place, and the old electroplating plant shouldn't be well on their way to being brought down safely and on budget, except for just plain old lack of attention to the issue.

    To be honest, the council is currently considering spending $8K to put welcome signs up on the north and south side of town, and it doesn't seem like they will be focusing on immediate solutions to our dilapidated building problem any time soon. (The Habitat for Humanity program the Mayor is specifically exploring will NOT be applicable to these buildings.)

    But don't think that I am just picking on Barb. Lonnie took no action action on these properties either. Nor did his predecessor, nor the mayor before him.

    Quite the opposite. It's accurate to say that Barb is the first mayor that is actually taking steps to bring these things down... sort of.

    The city administrator is floating an idea for how the city might go about "assisting" these property owners.

    I must admit that I have very little faith in a process that will depend on Ken Pap willingly participating in a partnership with the City of Sac City, but I guess crazier things have happened...

  12. Okay, the "Welcome to Sac City" signs are a bad idea.

    But I can maybe tolerate them, IF a different contractor does the work this time, OR the contract has a hard completion date and damages for failing to complete by then. It was pretty sweet seeing what amounted to a two to three week project drug out for the better part of a year, in highly visible locations along Hwy 20.

    Why ANY work is awarded to that particular contractor is completely beyond me.

  13. In your opinion, why are the "Welcome to Sac City" signs a bad idea?
