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Steve Kettering and Gary Worthan visit Sac City, Iowa


Senator Steve Kettering and Representative Gary Worthan introduced by Sac County Extension Chair, Steve Dettermann.

Brent Drey of the Jackson 4H Club gives a presentation about the Jackson’s activities throughout the year.

Amy Sangle of the O-A Showman gives a presentation about the Showman’s activities throughout the year.

The Early Achievers give a presentation about the Achiever’s activities throughout the year.

“All of the clubs do a lot of community service.”

Steve Kettering and Gary Worthan talk about the redistricting map and how it may affect Iowa politics.

Steve and Gary discuss the budget.

True cost of zero percent allowable growth discussed.

Discussion about the impact of what a July 1, 2011 school start will have on tourism.

Discussion about the cost of transportation students to Rabiner’s Ranch
Shirley Phillips, “…had the legislative oversight committee looking into that.”

Steve and Gary asked to support Watershed Improvement Review Board funding.

Discussion about the problems that the recent septic tank law is creating on local investments.

This conversation expands into a general discussion about how harmful some government regulation is in general.

Discussion about “fugitive dust”.

“The trouble with the DNR is that they hire environmental people and most of ‘em have never been on a farm in their life.”

The Sac City Innovative Pioneers give a presentation about the pioneer’s activities throughout the year.

Constituent talks about catching DNR officers sleeping/screwing around.

Discussion about the rules committee and how the republicans went on a “rules tour” to find out why the rules aren’t working.

- There is a jump of about 10 seconds in this video.

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Curtis Bloes - Editor