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Rally today with Terry Branstad and Kim Reynolds

1:30PM at the 4-H building at the Sac County Fairgrounds.

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  1. 16 years of governor-for-life set Iowa back 20. Branstad has absolutely no scruples and sells out to the highest bidder in every case.

    As for Kim Reynolds, with TB's ticker a fibulation away from another heart attack, Iowa could truly be in a pickle. Not sure what she brought to the ticket?

    If you see their bus in your rear view mirror, pull over. They passed me the other day doing at least 80mph. Maybe Terry's son is driving?

  2. All you young adults keep voting yourselves into wage slaves. Keep voting for Socialist and Democrat entitlement programs with a population of our size and you will never retire unless you work for the city or county or any other government enity. Enjoy working into your late 70's and trying to figure out what happened to the American dream. Your futures have been sold down the river by your greedy Democrat parents thinking they are actually helping society, welcome to your new reality.

  3. I think history will show that Jr. and the two Dicks sold our future down the river.
