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Sac airport light shot out; will cost $7,000 to repair

This will be discussed at the April 12, 2010 Sac City Council meeting. It is unknown in what way they could avoid paying for this. Will they cut $7K out of the budget from somewhere else?

ADDED: 04/13/10 The source for funding the repair of this item was addressed at the 04/12/10 Sac City Council meeting.  Insurance will cover the cost of the repair to this item.

airport pic 3

airport pic 2

airport pic 1

airport pic 4

Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved


  1. Shut the money wasting airport down!!! Its just a drain on the city!!

  2. I think we found our!

  3. Assuming that comment makes any sense at all... by that logic we should shut down or disband any department that does not produce a net profit.

    This will include the swimming pool, the entire parks department, the library.... basically all of the 'services' that make living in Sac City what it is. I don't have a copy of the budget in front of me, so I don't know what the costs are, but you can be guaranteed the airport brings in more money than the entire park system - counting the campgrounds and all of the building rentals.

    Great idea.

  4. I HAVE a copy of the budget in front of me. The airport doesn't pay for itself...

    But they lose peanuts compared to the Aquatic Center.

    We can easily absorb the losses from the airport. Even the Community Center is loose change comparatively.

    The Aquatic Center is literally the reason there is no money for economic development in Sac City.

    30 years from now, when Early is the biggest town in Sac County, you will be able to trace Sac City's decline back to the day they decided to pour money into a hole filled with water instead of developing a business park or something north of town.

    Big sarcastic thank you to the out of touch members of the Sac City Council and Mayor from about 10 years ago. Oh, that's right...some of them are still ON the Council, shifting blame to the citizens for having a negative attitude.


  5. Curtis - thanks for the info. I figured that's exactly what the budget would show. Through various contacts of mine, I can tell you that no municipal swimming pool ever makes money - they are perpetual drains. Of the 'money pits' funded by the City of Sac City, the airport is the only one that DIRECTLY brings business into town - think the spray planes every summer. They have to stay and eat somewhere, and they pay rental fees at the airport. I know for a fact that people from other states have flown into the Sac Airport for a weekend to see the sights around town and the county. So while it does lose money, it does bring some into the community as well.

  6. Isn't it amazing that the "FANTASTIC" ideas that government has, then end up failing, end up being the taxpayers fault? I guess it really is our fault in the end because we elected the idiots to sit there. I know hindsight is 20/20, but at least if you make a mistake, be a big enough person to stand up and take the blame where it should be. Well put Curtis, Idiots, they are everywhere and not limited to Sac City.

  7. It makes me sad that the people who ruined Sac City are still in charge.

  8. Plain and simple we need to get more jobs in this town!!!!!

  9. How many days was the pool open last summer?

  10. This is the same smart thinking going on at the state and federal level. Lets poor money down the drain for warm fuzzies and make the suckers paying taxes fund it, while those in charge "forget" to pay theirs..... Lets get some "hope" and "change" for Sac City......idiot's what an understatement.
