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VIDEO - March 2, 2010 ESC CAC Meeting

Ag Ed Presentation

1. Call to order
2. Scott Johnson and Larissa Rupnow introduce themselves
3. What is the Ag Ed model?
4. Other departments that use the Ag Building.
5. What classes are offered?
6. Consideration of Ag business class and how it can be used for dual credit.
7. How many students take Ag Ed?
8. Classes highlighted and explained.
8a. Ag Literacy
8b. Horticulture
8c. Animal Science (aquatic)

8d. Ag Leadership
8e. Biotech

Future Farmers of America Presentation

1. FFA photo organization
2. How many students are in FFA?
3. Reasons to stay a member after high school.
4. ESC FFA top 5% for last 3 years
5. FFA events participation
6. How many middle school students are in FFA?
7. Discovery camp reviewed.
8. "We are by far the largest."
9. Professional support.
10. Ag teacher's conference.
11. Larissa Rupnow on the national soy board, setting biotech curriculum.
12. FAA helps student’s performance in science.


1. Questions and discussion.

Family Consumer Science Presentation

1. Marsha Phillips Introduces herself.
2. " Mrs. Dettmann had a family complication, so I'm going to talk about her..."
3. How many students go through Dettman's class?
4. FCS Classes highlighted and outlined.
5. FCCLA outlined.
5a. “... has the family as its focus..."
5b. “...not about cooking and sewing..."
5c. Stack the Mac competition.
6. FCS Skills Focus.
7. Technology usage
7a. wikis...
78. Digital photography.
7c. Skype.
8. Activities in which FCS engage that benefits the school.

Advisor Advisee Program Presentation

1. Bullying and harassment.
2. Financial fitness for the seniors.
3. Vision Statement discussed.
4. Questions, comments.

Business Department Presentation

1. Lanice Kock and Pam Rust introduce themselves
2. Dual credit classes explained
2a. Web Design.
2b. Intro to Accounting.
3. Rust is "Online Queen" and what that means.
4. Details of the online experiment.
5. Computer applications.
6. Digital Photography.
7. "If you want a lecture, don't come to our rooms."
8. Going green.
9. "...that piece of software also allows us to be Big brother"

1. Training middle school students in Moodle.
2. Questions.

Health Science Presentation

1. Kit Williams introduces herself.
2. Features of Health Science curriculum.
2a. Visiting Cherokee MHI.
2b. Alternative medicines.
2c. Frontier medicine.
2d. Infection Control.
2e. Hospice.
2f. Mercy Air Care.
2g. Infection control (more detail)
2h. Vital signs.
2i. Medical terminology.

3. Nurse aid program.
3a. What you can do with a nurse aid certification.
4. Health Fair competition.
4a. Unity award.
5. Questions.

Industrial Tech Presentation

1. Eric McCullough introduces himself
2. Industrial Tech Classes
2a. Woodtech I, II, II.
2b. Light Construction.
3c. Mechanical Drafting.
3d. CAD.
4. Number of students.
5. ESC students earn scholarships.
6. Student demonstrates software.
7. in depth explanation of.

1. Questions for the students / extended discussion.
2. Tour of the wood lab.
3. Questions and discussions about specific ongoing projects.
4. Explanation of the Sawstop safety feature.

Department of Ed site visit preparation

1. Kruthoff illustrates how the evening’s presentations tie into the DE visit prep

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