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Google sez 931 unique computers in Sac City...nice!

Saturday January 23 - Friday January 29
Number of visitors to TSN in Sac County

7 Auburn
15 Odebolt
17 Schaller
116 Early
183 Lake View
290 Wall Lake
443 Other Sac County
931 Sac City (what are there, 1100 supposedly occupied homes in this town?)

Total 2002
Perspective: Newspapers count 2002 households as 4004 readers.  I think that's a scam and believe that kind of decades long lie told us by our established newspapers is one of the core reasons people hate newspapers, BUT... that's how they do it. 

I hope to beat the local chicken dinner announcement rags around here in unique readers without having to resort to that lie to prop me up.   

I don't know... you think my sheer local numbers will ever surpass their estimated then doubled world wide numbers? Top of the heap right now in Sac County is the Sac Sun with a claim of 3,000ish readers (1,500ish snailpapers delivered)  have I already beat this?  Are there two people literally checking in from each household right now? 

...Within 50 miles

198 Outside of Sac County
2002 Within Sac County

Total 2200

...In North America

2 Mexico
14 Canada
577 USA Outside of Iowa
3021 Within Iowa

Total 3613

Thanks for reading everyone.  I'm not going to do this all the time, I was just curious so I looked it up and thought I'd share.  :)


Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved


  1. I check you out from work, and from that's 2 computers = 1 person...just a thought...

  2. Curtis, my man, i need to contact you urgently. i am in taiwanm, reporter editor blogger coiner here, you are one of the few people using snailpapers now as a term of endearment for print newspapers and i want to know how can i contact you to write, you write, a humor article or serious one, about the new use of this term snailpapers, not as a term of derision but of endearment. I am also love my daily snailpapers. I coined the word a few months ago, from snailmail, of course, and of course, i am not the real coiner but you did it too, and another blogger in SF did it too, so there are three of us who independetly of each other came up with snailpaper. See my blog at for more on this and email me at in Taiwan i am the editor of The Daily Snailpaper.

  3. So those of you that are interested in my essay about small town newspapers, Mr. Bloom published it at his site.

  4. slowing making waves around the world. wtg curtis.
    i love how the blog was posted on his site on January 32, 2010.
    he says, "...THE NEWS THEY BRING US IN THE MORNING IS OFTEN 12 HOURS OLD BY THE TIME THE SNAILPAPER ARRIVES ON OUR DOORSTEPS..." wouldn't sac city residents rejoice if we got our snailpaper news *only* 12 hours after newsworthy events?
    keep up the good work. and don't forget to add "coiner" to your resume.
