The Lake View City Council reviewed the following material related to automatic water metering.
(This video is basically the city administrator walking the council through the above packet)
“Are we laying somebody off? No. So we’re not going to save that money… That money is not getting saved.”
- What is the game plan?
- 50 water meters need changed at $110 per meter.
- Adapting the old style meters to radio read is almost the price of a new meter.
- Will this technology still be relevant in 7 to 10 years?
-- Yes
-- REC has been doing this for years.
“She don’t want to buy a Betamax.”
-Do we have any employees that are going to be retiring that we can then not hire someone to replace them.
-- Yes, but it would not be worth not having employees doing other things.
-- It is never the case that automation ever actually idles somebody.
-- It will need new batteries and heads in ten years.
--- The head and battery unit cost $140.00 so a new one would have to be purchased at that time.
“We don’t even have the money, do we?”
- City administrator strongly feels that the city would recoup the cost of an SRF loan to purchase new water meters through water sales.
“Here’s my biggest concern…”
- Sewer plant is coming up.
- FEMA project is coming up.
-- Both of those will be loans and both of those are more important than this.
- It’s important to get the water fund on the right track.
- No matter what, we should be addressing this in the next few years.
- It is conceivable the $15K could be earmarked for this project each year out of special option sales tax.
-- There is some unallocated money, and it has to be used for capital purchases.
- Administrator directed to prepare a cost comparison or replacing 50 of the old style meters vs. installing 50 radio read meters.
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