The @SCJ DesM bureau reporting @TerryBranstad says premature to rule out state gas tax increase until 2020 panel gives report. #ialegis
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Mid-American Energy pays taxes to Sac County
"Carroll, Iowa -- Carroll and other surrounding counties received their semi-annual property tax payments from Mid-American Energy. The money is "
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Read the full story at KCIM
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Nemaha man in motorcycle accident north of Sac City
"Nemaha, Iowa -- Sac County Sheriff's Office investigated a motorcycle accident that sent a Nemaha man to the hospital. 63 year old..."
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Read the full story at KCIM
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Auburn Man Accused of Exercising Control of Stolen Property
Auburn Man Accused of Exercising Control of Stolen Property
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Cost of Sac County recycling starting to come down at Howard Center
October 3, 2011 – Lake View, Iowa
The following items were discussed during the October 3, 2011 Lake View City Administrator’s Report during the Lake View city council meeting
- Council not so hot on the “Start Somewhere” walk.
- City Council agrees to explore a community health and fitness initiative that may be worth $10K at the time of implementation. No specifics were discussed, but it was generally agreed that this fits in with the town’s general fitness based tourism activity.
- Additions to the city bike trail and streetscape.
- Blue light poles.
- Stuff the SETD is looking into for the city: Are grants available for trees? Unanswered.
- Stuff the SETD is looking into for the city: Can the city get funding for a new, larger emergency generator for city hall? It will cost about $12K. Unanswered.
- Council needs to decide if they want to participate in Sac County Endowment grant program next month
- Maximum Occupancy Ordinance ready to review at next meeting.
- Roof at treatment plant coming along.
- City got new police car, time to start thinking about what to do with old car.
- What to do with old mower with blown engine.
-- Put it in the paper and take bids.
- Lease on copy machine expires soon.
-- New copier performs quicker than the old one.
-- Will get $2200.00 on buyout with the old one.
- Job Core is not interested in restoring area brick building.
- Review of Lake View’s percentage of waste at the county landfill.
- There is 1.5 years left on the contract with Howard Center and the price they are charging is starting to “come down”.
- County league announcements and RSVPs.
- Discussion about town dump and why it’s closed.
-- Going to be open on the weekends.
-- trying to keep Wall Lake People from using it.
- Discussion about building that is not being tore down.
The photo in this video is a stock image and is not an image captured at the actual meeting on October 3, 2011
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The following items were discussed during the October 3, 2011 Lake View City Administrator’s Report during the Lake View city council meeting
- Council not so hot on the “Start Somewhere” walk.
- City Council agrees to explore a community health and fitness initiative that may be worth $10K at the time of implementation. No specifics were discussed, but it was generally agreed that this fits in with the town’s general fitness based tourism activity.
- Additions to the city bike trail and streetscape.
- Blue light poles.
- Stuff the SETD is looking into for the city: Are grants available for trees? Unanswered.
- Stuff the SETD is looking into for the city: Can the city get funding for a new, larger emergency generator for city hall? It will cost about $12K. Unanswered.
- Council needs to decide if they want to participate in Sac County Endowment grant program next month
- Maximum Occupancy Ordinance ready to review at next meeting.
- Roof at treatment plant coming along.
- City got new police car, time to start thinking about what to do with old car.
- What to do with old mower with blown engine.
-- Put it in the paper and take bids.
- Lease on copy machine expires soon.
-- New copier performs quicker than the old one.
-- Will get $2200.00 on buyout with the old one.
- Job Core is not interested in restoring area brick building.
- Review of Lake View’s percentage of waste at the county landfill.
- There is 1.5 years left on the contract with Howard Center and the price they are charging is starting to “come down”.
- County league announcements and RSVPs.
- Discussion about town dump and why it’s closed.
-- Going to be open on the weekends.
-- trying to keep Wall Lake People from using it.
- Discussion about building that is not being tore down.
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FIA Card Services Dismisses Case Against Auburn Man
FIA Card Services Dismisses Case Against Auburn Man
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City of Lake View City Council to replace trees
October 3, 2011 – Lake View, Iowa
The plan is to plant them yet this fall.
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The plan is to plant them yet this fall.
The photo in this video is a stock image and is not an image captured at the actual meeting on October 3, 2011
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Sac City style maintenance ordinance fails second reading in Lake View because it’s too “nit-picky”
October 3, 2011 – Lake View, Iowa
In this audio the Lake View City Council approves the second of three reading of several new ordinances. Following are the ordinances that passed the second reading by the council
ORDINANCE # 434: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Municipal Infractions."
ORDINANCE # 435: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Disorderly Conduct.”
ORDINANCE # 436: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Alcohol Consumption and Intoxication.”
ORDINANCE # 437: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Repealing Provisions Pertaining to Sex Offender Residency Requirements.”
ORDINANCE # 438: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Confinement of Animals.”
ORDINANCE # 439: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to General Traffic Regulations.”
ORDINANCE # 440: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Open Containers in Motor Vehicles.”
ORDINANCE # 441: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to All-Terrain Vehicles & Snowmobiles.”
ORDINANCE # 442: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Water Connections and Metering.”
ORDINANCE # 443: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Lien Exemptions”
ORDINANCE # 444: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Recreational Fires.”
The ordinance that follows, based on Sac City’s maintenance code that the City of Sac City is currently using to pursue individual home owners in that town did not pass a second reading due to the following reasons:
1. Too nitpicky – Schroeder
2. Will look like city is picking on individuals – Laney
The council did express interest in pursuing the portion of this ordinance that addresses the height of grass.
The photo in this video is a stock image and is not an image captured at the actual meeting on October 3, 2011
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In this audio the Lake View City Council approves the second of three reading of several new ordinances. Following are the ordinances that passed the second reading by the council
ORDINANCE # 434: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Municipal Infractions."
ORDINANCE # 435: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Disorderly Conduct.”
ORDINANCE # 436: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Alcohol Consumption and Intoxication.”
ORDINANCE # 437: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Repealing Provisions Pertaining to Sex Offender Residency Requirements.”
ORDINANCE # 438: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Confinement of Animals.”
ORDINANCE # 439: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to General Traffic Regulations.”
ORDINANCE # 440: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Open Containers in Motor Vehicles.”
ORDINANCE # 441: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to All-Terrain Vehicles & Snowmobiles.”
ORDINANCE # 442: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Water Connections and Metering.”
ORDINANCE # 443: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Lien Exemptions”
ORDINANCE # 444: “An Ordinance Amending the Code of the Ordinances of the City of Lake View, Iowa, 2006, by Amending Provisions Pertaining to Recreational Fires.”
The ordinance that follows, based on Sac City’s maintenance code that the City of Sac City is currently using to pursue individual home owners in that town did not pass a second reading due to the following reasons:
1. Too nitpicky – Schroeder
2. Will look like city is picking on individuals – Laney
The council did express interest in pursuing the portion of this ordinance that addresses the height of grass.
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Building Permits Approved by the Lake View City Council on October 3, 2011
Building Permits Approved by the Lake View City Council on October 3, 2011
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Black Hawk Lake Trail moves into the next phases
October 3, 2011 – Lake View, Iowa
In this audio we hear the council approve two resolutions that authorize the city administrator to apply for grants to get funding for phases two and three of the Black Hawk Lake Trail. These two phases of the trail, particularly the portion in the Provost may limit parking along the road as they are shoulder trails. Because they have authorized the administrator to apply for the grants, this does not mean that they have approved the construction of the project. It was specifically pointed out that they will need to work with the property owners whose land they will have to cross.
Following are those resolutions:
100311lvccres11-19 and 11-20
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In this audio we hear the council approve two resolutions that authorize the city administrator to apply for grants to get funding for phases two and three of the Black Hawk Lake Trail. These two phases of the trail, particularly the portion in the Provost may limit parking along the road as they are shoulder trails. Because they have authorized the administrator to apply for the grants, this does not mean that they have approved the construction of the project. It was specifically pointed out that they will need to work with the property owners whose land they will have to cross.
Following are those resolutions:
100311lvccres11-19 and 11-20
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Middle School Runner reaches 3rd place at Laurens Cross Country Meet
The ESC Cross Country Team ran at Laurens on October 8, 2011 and had several good individual performances in a small but tough meet.
Middle School boys
Andrew Murley 3rd 13:59
Quentin Ackerman 16th 17:02
Andrew continues to go out strong and is running better as he gains expirience in his first year.
Middle School Girls
Adrian Newman 17th 16:16
Ann Newman 19th 16:34
Tyra Lake 27th 18:56
Brianna Mathews 31st 19:46
Sara Zimmerman 34th 21:32
Vannessa Ross 36th 22:35
Our top four girls all ran Personal bests today. Ann continues to run very solid for us and Adrian is improving every meet.
Varsity Girls
Emily Scharn 5th 17:55
Lydia Anderson 17th 19:45
Lauren Goodenow 19th 19:59
Our girls team continues to improve in the few meets we have all been healthy. We will be running a full team at full health for conference and districts.
Varsity boys
Cory Carlyle 7th 18:06
James Pobanz 21st 18:48
Kelly Nutt 30th 19:44
Colin Haberl 39th 20:09
Prezley Gregg 45th 21:39
Hunter Peiken 49th 24:56
Alex Peterson 50th 33:30
Cory continues to improve each meet and lowered his own school record this week. James is really starting to run with confidence and set a personal record for himself today. Colin also ran a personal record at this meet. The boys team finished in 7th place with 142 pts
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Middle School boys
Andrew Murley 3rd 13:59
Quentin Ackerman 16th 17:02
Andrew continues to go out strong and is running better as he gains expirience in his first year.
Middle School Girls
Adrian Newman 17th 16:16
Ann Newman 19th 16:34
Tyra Lake 27th 18:56
Brianna Mathews 31st 19:46
Sara Zimmerman 34th 21:32
Vannessa Ross 36th 22:35
Our top four girls all ran Personal bests today. Ann continues to run very solid for us and Adrian is improving every meet.
Varsity Girls
Emily Scharn 5th 17:55
Lydia Anderson 17th 19:45
Lauren Goodenow 19th 19:59
Our girls team continues to improve in the few meets we have all been healthy. We will be running a full team at full health for conference and districts.
Varsity boys
Cory Carlyle 7th 18:06
James Pobanz 21st 18:48
Kelly Nutt 30th 19:44
Colin Haberl 39th 20:09
Prezley Gregg 45th 21:39
Hunter Peiken 49th 24:56
Alex Peterson 50th 33:30
Cory continues to improve each meet and lowered his own school record this week. James is really starting to run with confidence and set a personal record for himself today. Colin also ran a personal record at this meet. The boys team finished in 7th place with 142 pts
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Lake View City Council considers additional electrical line upgrades
October 3, 2011 – Lake View, Iowa
In this audio, The council discusses the possibility of adding more projects to the FEMA electrical system upgrade project. Specifically four overhead line segments. Ultimately, they tabled the discussion until the next meeting.
The photo in this video is a stock image and is not an image captured at the actual meeting on October 3, 2011
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In this audio, The council discusses the possibility of adding more projects to the FEMA electrical system upgrade project. Specifically four overhead line segments. Ultimately, they tabled the discussion until the next meeting.
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Passed Away - Ruth M. Weiss
Ruth M. Weiss
August 12, 1918 - October 06, 2011
Wall Lake, Iowa
Visitation: 3-8:00 P.M., Sunday, October 09, 2011 at Farber & Otteman Funeral Home, Wall Lake, Iowa.
Funeral Service: 11:00 A.M., Monday, October 10, 2011 at Peace Lutheran Church, Wall Lake, Iowa.
Interment: October 10, 2011 at Wall Lake Cemetery, Wall Lake, Iowa
Ruth M. Weiss, age 93, of Wall Lake, Iowa, passed away on Thursday, October 6, 2011, at Twilight Acres Nursing Home in Wall Lake. Ruth Martha Hansen Erickson Weiss, age 93, of Wall Lake, IA, went to be with her Lord on Thursday, October 6, 2011, at Twilight Acres Nursing Home in Wall Lake. Ruth was born at home in Odebolt on August 12, 1918, to Johannas Hansen and Clara Marie Hedwig (Zadow) Hansen. She was baptized September 14, 1918, and confirmed at Peace Lutheran Church on March 31, 1931. Ruth graduated from Odebolt High School in 1936. She took Normal Training courses during her Junior and Senior years so she could teach rural school after graduation. Ruth taught four years in Wheeler and Clinton Townships before her marriage.
On August 30, 1940, Ruth was united in marriage to Orville John Erickson at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Cook Township. Two daughters were born to this union, Miriam Ruth and Kathryn Ann and a son was still born, December 11, 1949. Orville farmed and raised cattle and hogs and Ruth dressed and sold broilers. Ruth taught Sunday school and Bible school for many years, was zone Lutheran Women’s Mission League President for two years and member of Federated Woman’s Club and Wall Lake Historical Society. She was active in Ladies Aid and Mission Society at Peace Lutheran in Wall Lake. She sang in the choir and for several years was the church secretary. Orville died of lung cancer on November 6, 1965. He was 53 years old.
On January 1, 1967, Ruth married Rev. O. E. Weiss. In June his ministry took them to Eagle Grove where he served for six years and once again Ruth served as the church secretary. Ruth and Rev. Weiss went on a mission “Around The World” tour in 1972 which included 14 countries, 23 flights, and 32 days. They spent summer months in Nevis, MN, at Ruth’s cabin and wintered in Texas. They loved to go to flea markets and auctions looking for antiques. On January 25, 1982, Ozzie was killed in a car accident after celebrating 50 years in the ministry. Ruth enjoyed cooking and caring for her home and family. She was active in the community, school and church. She enjoyed volunteering, crafting, antiquing, traveling, and playing bridge. She wintered in Arizona for 25 years and had many special memories shared at the family cabin on Lake Belle Taine in Nevis, MN. She enjoyed her many friends and family in Wall Lake.
Ruth is survived by her daughters: Miriam (Gene) Erickson Karstens of Wall Lake, IA and Kathryn (Bill) Erickson Gehrig Lennier of Georgetown, TX; step-children: Dick (Paula) Weiss of North Carolina, Julie (Virgil) Karstens of Spirit Lake, IA, Janice (Duane) McKernan of Cape Girardeau, and Cathy Dickerson of Omaha, NE; grandchildren: Rebecca (Christopher) Pickering, David (Nancy) Karstens, Joyce Hull, Melissa Karstens, Rachelle (Vincent) Johnson, Elizabeth (Kurt) Faber, Adam Karstens, and Matthew Karstens, Jason (Erin) Gehrig, Heather Miller; step-grandchildren: Laura (William) Mitchell, Eric (Stephanie) Lennier, Martha Lennier, Katja Lennier, Heather Weiss, Heath Weiss, Megan (Dan) Porta, Joel Weiss, Kristin Karstens, Tara (Mitch) Samples, Tim (Sandi) Karstens, Jason (Terri) McKernan, Toby (Rebecca) McKernan, Jayne (Francis “Duke”) Perfect, and David Dickerson; great-grandchildren: Emily (Brandan) Kielty, Christopher (Melissa) Pickering, Zackery Pickering, Derek and Laura Crawford, Chase and Logan Karstens, Jocelyn and Austin Stott, Alec, Elizabeth, and Jace Hull, Paige and Andrew "AJ" Aynes, Melissa and Joshua Romine, Clara and Grant Johnson, William, Charles, and Samuel Faber, Eli Karstens, Jude Obert, Benjamin, Ann, and Jane Gehrig, Hannah, Lochlan, and Addison Miller; step-great-grandchildren: Jesse (Tammie) and Charles Mitchell and Stacey (Mike) Beadle, Tyler, Ryan, and Nathan Lennier, Kayley Lennier, Jack (Audra) Crowley, Emily and Erin Crowley, Elijah and Samson Porta, Emma, Elle, Karsten, and Ian Samples, Kelly, Rachel, and Zachary McKernan, Tristan, Hunter, and Cooper McKernan, and Catherine and Chloe Perfect; great-great grandchildren: Konner Kielty, Avery and Amy Pickering, and Kort-Lyn Hartman and Makenna Stott; step-great-great grandchildren; Samantha, Emma, and Charles Mitchell, Emily Mitchell and Adrienne Crowley; special granddaughter: Kimberly Hauser and children Meghan and Aaron Rogers and Max and Grace Hauser, and many other extended family and friends.
Ruth was preceded in death by her parents; infant stillborn son; husbands Orville Erickson and Rev. O. E. Weiss; sister Dorothy Hansen Oxendale; and step-mother Laura Wolfe Hansen.
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Sac City East Sac County Elementary School 'Starts Somewhere'
October 7, 2011 - Sac City, Iowa
Photos From the October 7, 2011 ESC Start Somewhere Walk at Sac City
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Photos From the October 7, 2011 ESC Start Somewhere Walk at Sac City
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