1. Call to order
2. Approval of minutes from 03/02/10
3. Agenda amended to include union contracts and Sheriff's update
4. Chairman gets a phone call.
5. Approval of amended agenda.
6. Deanne Detlinger from Wellmark was going to present the rates for next year and had a contract to renew. She did not appear because the governor asked for a review of Wellmark's rate increases, which will effect what she was to discuss.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
1. Dates of declarations announced.
2. Local municipalities will have to make up 15% of the cost of:
2a. Generator that was purchased.
2b. Overtime costs.
2c. Food for shelter.
2d. Fuel for generator and vehicles.
2e. Damaged police radio.
2f. Gutters at water treatment plant.
2g. Deductable for damaged vehicle.
2h. Equipment time.
2i. Sand.
2j. Might cover deductible for damage to library roof.
3. Discussion about damaged trees.
1. Discussion about damaged trees continued.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
1. Jerry's Plumbing consulted.
2. Average pool heater last five to 10 years, our pool heater lasted 9 years.
3. Our model is a natural gas model.
4. Was only able to identify two companies (pronounced) "Lacnabar" and "Raybeck" that make big enough units.
5. Entities that use electric models are unhappy because of how long it takes to heat up.
6. Are other companies welcome to bid?
7. Spec is very generic so as not to exclude anyone that might bid.
8. Bid specs very lightly reviewed.
9. This item is not an anticipated budgetary expense. It is an expected FY 2011-2012 CIP item.
10. It will be funded through the general fund.
11. Specifications approved.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
1. Milo Lines passes hand outs.
2. Sac City benefits to the tune of $297,000 annually from the airport.
3. Who uses the airport?
3a. Doctors.
3b. Sac development.
3c. Chamber Main Street claims it's a tool for business recruitment.
3d. Former city administrator mahanna.
3e. Noble Popcorn.
3f. Sac Economic and Tourism Development.
4. Fluctuation of airport aviation fuel use addressed.
4a. Crop planes no longer use the fuel.
5. The airport use log is not accurate due to no 24/7 personnel.
6. Story about spray pilot who gave tour to kid's world children
1. Funding of new projects discussed.
2. Does the county put any money into the airport?
3. What does the city make off the gas, per gallon?
4. Are there adequate precautions for the chemicals?
5. Is a report given to the city every month?
6. The three + things the city funds.
7. How much is hanger rent?
8. Industrial development available.
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved