Details of the 2011-12 Iowa Home Energy Assistance Program Announced
2011-2012 Iowa Home Energy Assistance Program #1
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City of Wall Lake to benefit from DOT’s “Safe Routes to School” Program
September 26, 2011 – Wall Lake, Iowa
ESC Superintendent Dr. Fiene appeared before the City Council the city council approved resolutions supporting and taking part as the fiduciary agent in a program that allows the school to get a grant from the Department of Transportation to install safety measures including, but not limited to sidewalk replacement, crosswalks, and flashing lights at busy intersections. The grant could be for as much as $250K for both Sac City and Wall Lake, but the entire und is only $1.7 Million, leaving the possibility that the maximum will not be awarded. The amount that Superintended indicated the Wall Lake school is asking for is $178K.
The committee that coordinated this grant has been meeting in secret for at least 6 months. Dr. Fiene was unable to answer the question of who would be responsible for determining which projects would be installed should the full asking not be approved, though he did suggest that the non disclosed members of the committee might be considered as the body that would prioritize how the money would be spent.
The Wall Lake City Council did approve the resolutions adopting the Safe Rotes to School Plan unanimously.
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ESC Superintendent Dr. Fiene appeared before the City Council the city council approved resolutions supporting and taking part as the fiduciary agent in a program that allows the school to get a grant from the Department of Transportation to install safety measures including, but not limited to sidewalk replacement, crosswalks, and flashing lights at busy intersections. The grant could be for as much as $250K for both Sac City and Wall Lake, but the entire und is only $1.7 Million, leaving the possibility that the maximum will not be awarded. The amount that Superintended indicated the Wall Lake school is asking for is $178K.
The committee that coordinated this grant has been meeting in secret for at least 6 months. Dr. Fiene was unable to answer the question of who would be responsible for determining which projects would be installed should the full asking not be approved, though he did suggest that the non disclosed members of the committee might be considered as the body that would prioritize how the money would be spent.
The Wall Lake City Council did approve the resolutions adopting the Safe Rotes to School Plan unanimously.
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Minutes of the September 26, 2011 Wall Lake City Council Meeting
Minutes of September 26, 2011 Wall Lake City Council Meeting
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BREAKING: Branstad to link teacher pay to student performance
"DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -
Gov. Terry Branstad is calling for sweeping changes in the way teachers are paid and tougher standards for measuring student performance. At a news conference Monday..."
Read the full story at KTIV
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Gov. Terry Branstad is calling for sweeping changes in the way teachers are paid and tougher standards for measuring student performance. At a news conference Monday..."
Read the full story at KTIV
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County Roads N28 and M50 to Close
The paving contractor, Cedar Valley Construction, plans to set up their concrete plant north of Lytton just west of N28 the week of October 3rd and start paving new Highway 20.
Their current plans are to close N28 2 miles north of Lytton and M50 3 miles south of Nemaha on Monday, October 10th to get those roads ready to pave. M50 will be closed for 2-3 weeks and N28 will be closed 3-4 weeks while the road is paved, the concrete cures, shoulders are placed and the centerline markings are applied.
N28 traffic will be detoured to N14 just east of Sac City and M50 traffic will be detoured to Highway 71.
Cedar Valley plans to pave a section of both lanes of new Hwy 20 near N28 and then continue paving east after the N28 intersection is completed. As they pave across the gravel roads they will be closed for 3-4 days while the concrete cures and the contractor places rock so traffic can get across the intersection.
Please drive carefully, follow the posted detours and obey the “Road Closed” signs and closure fences. Opening the fences to drive through is illegal, can damage the new pavement, and cause damage to your vehicle and injury to you or others who drive into the construction zone after you take the fence down. BE SAFE, if there is a “Road Closed” sign don’t drive into the construction zone even if the fence is down. When it is safe to travel the signs will be removed.
As with all road construction projects the progress depends on the weather, equipment breakdowns and other delays beyond the contractor’s control. The projected dates are the best guess at the time this was written.
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Their current plans are to close N28 2 miles north of Lytton and M50 3 miles south of Nemaha on Monday, October 10th to get those roads ready to pave. M50 will be closed for 2-3 weeks and N28 will be closed 3-4 weeks while the road is paved, the concrete cures, shoulders are placed and the centerline markings are applied.
N28 traffic will be detoured to N14 just east of Sac City and M50 traffic will be detoured to Highway 71.
Cedar Valley plans to pave a section of both lanes of new Hwy 20 near N28 and then continue paving east after the N28 intersection is completed. As they pave across the gravel roads they will be closed for 3-4 days while the concrete cures and the contractor places rock so traffic can get across the intersection.
Please drive carefully, follow the posted detours and obey the “Road Closed” signs and closure fences. Opening the fences to drive through is illegal, can damage the new pavement, and cause damage to your vehicle and injury to you or others who drive into the construction zone after you take the fence down. BE SAFE, if there is a “Road Closed” sign don’t drive into the construction zone even if the fence is down. When it is safe to travel the signs will be removed.
As with all road construction projects the progress depends on the weather, equipment breakdowns and other delays beyond the contractor’s control. The projected dates are the best guess at the time this was written.
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Court Finds for the Plaintiff in Medical Bill Dispute
Court Finds for the Plaintiff in Medical Bill Dispute
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September 26, 2011 Junior Varsity Football scores and stats
092611 Jv Esc vs Oabcig
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Class 2A Volleyball Pairings Released
Class 2A Volleyball Pairing Released
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Discussion about who to have administer the Community Development Block Grant for Wall Lake’s well project gets heated
September 26, 2011 – Wall Lake, Iowa
In this audio we learn that Councilor Morrow asked for the Mayor to put this item on the agenda so that he could discuss having an agency, (Region XII Council of Governments) other than the engineer ,( MSA, ) to administer the Community Development Block Grant for work on the well project. Morrow indicate that he feels there is a conflict of interest in having the engineer administer the money with which they will also be paid.
Other councilors expressed concern about past experiences with RXIICOG regarding their expediency in their dealings with the city…
Region XII was given the nod on a 4-1 vote with a nay vote from Boeckman.
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In this audio we learn that Councilor Morrow asked for the Mayor to put this item on the agenda so that he could discuss having an agency, (Region XII Council of Governments) other than the engineer ,( MSA, ) to administer the Community Development Block Grant for work on the well project. Morrow indicate that he feels there is a conflict of interest in having the engineer administer the money with which they will also be paid.
Other councilors expressed concern about past experiences with RXIICOG regarding their expediency in their dealings with the city…
Region XII was given the nod on a 4-1 vote with a nay vote from Boeckman.
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Sac City Man Picked Up for Public Intoxication in Auburn
Sac City Man Picked Up for Public Intoxication in Auburn
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Stats from the September 30, 2011 ESC -vs- JSPC Varsity Football Game
September 30, 2011 VFB Stats
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Wall Lake Councilor protests city clerk report
September 26, 2011 – Wall Lake, Iowa
In this audio, Wall Lake Councilor Boeckman suggested that the balance sheet submitted by the Wall Lake clerk is inaccurate because it is building on previously inaccurate or assumed numbers.
The clerk also reviews the receipts and disbursements totals.
The city council approved the report with Boeckman voting nay saying, “I have no way of knowing if these numbers are right.”
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In this audio, Wall Lake Councilor Boeckman suggested that the balance sheet submitted by the Wall Lake clerk is inaccurate because it is building on previously inaccurate or assumed numbers.
The clerk also reviews the receipts and disbursements totals.
The city council approved the report with Boeckman voting nay saying, “I have no way of knowing if these numbers are right.”
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Tentative October 10, 2011 Sac City Council Agenda
Tentative October 10, 2011 Sac City Council Agenda
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Wall Lake City Clerk disputes bill for sewer work
September 26, 2011 – Wall Lake, Iowa
I this audio, the Wall Lake City Clerk indicates to the council that he doesn’t think the city is “getting what they pay for” from Ken’s Sewer service. The city contracts with Ken’s to run a video camera in the sewers to figure out where the sewer is plugged or broken.
It is revealed in the discussion that there is too much debris in the sewer for Ken’s to have a full unobstructed run of the city’s sewers. The bill in question is or $500.00.
It is determined that the city clerk will discuss the bill with Ken’s to see if he will lower the amount of the bill, and will request a copy of the video for the work in dispute for the council to review.
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I this audio, the Wall Lake City Clerk indicates to the council that he doesn’t think the city is “getting what they pay for” from Ken’s Sewer service. The city contracts with Ken’s to run a video camera in the sewers to figure out where the sewer is plugged or broken.
It is revealed in the discussion that there is too much debris in the sewer for Ken’s to have a full unobstructed run of the city’s sewers. The bill in question is or $500.00.
It is determined that the city clerk will discuss the bill with Ken’s to see if he will lower the amount of the bill, and will request a copy of the video for the work in dispute for the council to review.
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Minutes of the September 27, 2011 Sac County Supervisors Meeting
September 27, 2011
Board Room
10:00 AM
The Sac County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with all members present, Jack Bensley, Chairman, presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.
It was moved by Stock and seconded by Hecht to amend the agenda to consider quarterly transfers to Secondary Roads and to hold a public hearing on vacating a certain county road. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Stock to approve the agenda as amended. Ayes all, motion carried.
Supervisor Hecht commended the committee and all the people involved in the Sac County Quilt-A-Fair for the excellent quilt show that they put on over the weekend, which included a car show on Saturday and a tractor show on Sunday.
It was moved by Stock and seconded by Hecht to approve the quarterly transfers of $25,378.75 from General Basic fund to Secondary Roads fund and $287,288.50 from Rural Basic fund to Secondary Road fund. Ayes all, motion carried.
Dr. Jim Bullock, Sac County EMA Coordinator, discussed an exercise in emergency management regarding a contaminated confinement feeding operation. In the multi-county exercise, Sac County could not produce GIS information locating the animal confinement feeding operations. The EMA Director and the County Auditor will work together to make that information available.
At 11:00, the Chairman opened the public hearing, as advertised, to consider vacating parts of Quincy Avenue near the new highway 20. The County Engineer presented maps showing the proposed areas of Quincy Avenue to be vacated. There were several interested parties present, including a representative from Raccoon Valley Rural Electric Co-op, a farm manager from Stalkup Farm Services, a private land owner and Chris Bass, Sac County Conservation Director. Mitch McKeever with Raccoon Valley REC explained that some new underground cable and several poles had already been installed after a conversation with the DOT and that that equipment would be very difficult to relocate if the road sections were vacated. Others in attendance voiced concerns about drainage issues and access to their respective properties.
The County Engineer offered to gather more information about reclassifying Quincy to a Level B road and how much of Quincy Ave is actually in the Highway 20 right of way.
It was moved by Stock and seconded by Hecht to continue the public hearing until October 4, 2011 at 11:00 when the additional information can be presented. Ayes all, motion carried.
The County Engineer updated the Board on activities of the county road crews, the status of current maintenance and construction projects and highway 20 construction as it pertains to secondary roads.
With there being no further business, on motion, the meeting was adjourned.
Secretary S/ James W. Dowling; Chairman____________________, Date___________
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Board Room
10:00 AM
The Sac County Board of Supervisors met in regular session with all members present, Jack Bensley, Chairman, presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as submitted.
It was moved by Stock and seconded by Hecht to amend the agenda to consider quarterly transfers to Secondary Roads and to hold a public hearing on vacating a certain county road. Ayes all, motion carried.
It was moved by Hecht and seconded by Stock to approve the agenda as amended. Ayes all, motion carried.
Supervisor Hecht commended the committee and all the people involved in the Sac County Quilt-A-Fair for the excellent quilt show that they put on over the weekend, which included a car show on Saturday and a tractor show on Sunday.
It was moved by Stock and seconded by Hecht to approve the quarterly transfers of $25,378.75 from General Basic fund to Secondary Roads fund and $287,288.50 from Rural Basic fund to Secondary Road fund. Ayes all, motion carried.
Dr. Jim Bullock, Sac County EMA Coordinator, discussed an exercise in emergency management regarding a contaminated confinement feeding operation. In the multi-county exercise, Sac County could not produce GIS information locating the animal confinement feeding operations. The EMA Director and the County Auditor will work together to make that information available.
At 11:00, the Chairman opened the public hearing, as advertised, to consider vacating parts of Quincy Avenue near the new highway 20. The County Engineer presented maps showing the proposed areas of Quincy Avenue to be vacated. There were several interested parties present, including a representative from Raccoon Valley Rural Electric Co-op, a farm manager from Stalkup Farm Services, a private land owner and Chris Bass, Sac County Conservation Director. Mitch McKeever with Raccoon Valley REC explained that some new underground cable and several poles had already been installed after a conversation with the DOT and that that equipment would be very difficult to relocate if the road sections were vacated. Others in attendance voiced concerns about drainage issues and access to their respective properties.
The County Engineer offered to gather more information about reclassifying Quincy to a Level B road and how much of Quincy Ave is actually in the Highway 20 right of way.
It was moved by Stock and seconded by Hecht to continue the public hearing until October 4, 2011 at 11:00 when the additional information can be presented. Ayes all, motion carried.
The County Engineer updated the Board on activities of the county road crews, the status of current maintenance and construction projects and highway 20 construction as it pertains to secondary roads.
With there being no further business, on motion, the meeting was adjourned.
Secretary S/ James W. Dowling; Chairman____________________, Date___________
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Wall Lake City Clerk on the trail of why wind generation not profitable
September 26, 2011 – Wall Lake, Iowa
This audio hints that there are ways that electric companies have found a way to “get around” having to pay communities that thought they were going to save money using wind generation. More details promised for future meetings…
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This audio hints that there are ways that electric companies have found a way to “get around” having to pay communities that thought they were going to save money using wind generation. More details promised for future meetings…
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