Part 1
1. Why ambulance union was unable to make the meeting
2. Calhoun County's lawsuit with railroad
3. Fuel tank heaters
Part 2
4. Broken trees on courthouse lawn
5. Expanded discussion about trees in general, invasive trees
6. Potential for flooding in spring
7. Upcoming planting season
8. Hecht reports that moral at Mental Health Commission low
9. Stock reports that
Part 3
10. Discussion about returning Vet's supplemental bill being shot down
11. Ice on roads / blowing snow
12. High school boys basketball
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved
1. Call to order
2. Approval of minutes of February 16, 2010 supervisor's meeting
3. Amendment of agenda to approve drainage claim
4. Approval of amended agenda
Copyright (c)2007-2010 Curtis Bloes
All Rights Reserved