Sac Community Center
$0 YTD $16,600.00
Kid's World
$0 YTD $10,000.00
Sac Sun for publications
$442.22 YTD $xxx
Tellinghuisen for cleaning
$225.00 YTD $900.00
Terry Duffy
$0 YTD $322.50
Darlo Austin
$0 281.83 YTD $281.83*
Bryant Clair
$56.19 YTD $86.19
Duane Lovell
$277.73 YTD $277.73
Charles Ledford
$75.77 YTD $214.52
Mike Rix
$481.02 YTD $481.02
Barb Powell-Bloes
$35.00 YTD $35.00
Aaron Daisy
$124.80 YTD $124.80
Dale Duncan
$53.00 YTD $53.00
Julie Howes
$1207.86 YTD $4,831.44
$800.00 YTD $800.00*
Jack's Uniform
$80.49 YTD $80.49*
Northwest iowa league of Cities
$30.00 YTD $30.00 *
* YTD figure subject to change or disappear and be attached to the name of the person for whom it is a benefit