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Brain Mahler granted permission to bow hunt inside Sac City Limits


Permission was granted without discussion except to confirm with the Sac City Chief of Police that he had no issues with Mr. Mahler being given permission.

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  1. I wish everyone who hunted in city limits would secure the proper permission from the city. And use only a bow, not a gun.

  2. Wow, seriously, quit bitching! It's because of these people that deer aren't constantly running in front of your vehicle or eating your garden. FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO BITCH ABOUT! Get a life people.

  3. If the person who wrote this is bitching about me hunting tonight and i could make a good guess who it is,i took my daughter out deer hunting tonight with a gun and we were just outside the City Limits and do have the way we had 4 different bucks in front of us and a nice 130" 8 point that she said wasn't big enough and a bunch of does,at least she {11 years old} lets the smaller bucks the way there are at least 8 people i know of that hunt inside the city limits without a permit,big deal! Mike Zimmerman

  4. I think hunting of these in-town, inbred, deer-mutants-things should be encouraged to happen as much as possible.

  5. "Trophy" deer hunting according to many wildlife experts is the reason we are seeing larger numbers of genetically weak and sick animals.

    If we cull the less desirable animals and forget about putting that testosterone-producing head on our wife's living room wall, we will see a stronger species. Leave those big bucks roaming and we will all have better hunting for years to come.

  6. That's where the practices of QDM (Quality Deer Management) come in. You DO cull the less desirable animals to improve the genetics and strength of the herd - and grow better 'trophy' bucks. And I know there are a fair number of people around Sac that do practice QDM.

  7. I've been hunting for a about 30 years now and i don't think i have ever seen a sick deer or genetically weak deer?i guess i am full of testosterone.don't know what expert's your talking about? let the smaller ones walk and you will have bigger bucks,no brainer.I think some people are just jealous of others so they need to bitch.Mike Zimmerman

  8. QDM,i don't know of anyone that does {cull} that around here.they are not going to use there one tag to shoot a "cull buck or doe" plus with the small tracks of land and all the different hunters that have there own idea of what they want to shoot is preety hard to practice QDM.the only part of QDM that is used around here is a select few letting the smaller bucks grow.and there are a lot of people around that will shoot the first thing that comes by.

  9. The whole reason the hunting inside the city limits thing started is to help control the deer population in town.We all know that the reason people hunt inside the city limits is they have a better chance at shooting a trophy buck not a doe,i bet if they changed it to where you can only shoot a doe with the permit i bet there wouldn't be a single person going down and getting one,not even Mr.Mahler.Who has actually shot a doe with the permit and did there part in helping the city control the deer population.Mike Zimmerman
